Metal to listen to while stoned...

I listen to a bit of Buckethead's stuff while baked. Monsters and Robots and Peppers Ghost to be precise. It isnt what you asked for but I saw porcupine tree on the list and thought "meh why not"
Peppers Ghost is effin excellent imo. I think he actually went in the wrong direction with Enter the Chicken though, the instrumentation was badass but I didnt like that Serj was on like half the songs singing bullshit into my ear.
I personally find stoner metal to be too much rock and not enough metal, not nearly heavy enough for smoking IMO. I would think that stoner stuff would be like the heaviest slow shit imaginable, like metal noise music. But maybe I just haven't heard the right bands.

I've heard that The Diablo Swing Orchestra is some pretty weird stuff, that might be what you're looking for.

I've also had some great results smoking saliva and listening to Dimmu Borgir but you already know all about them. Also Monolithe is really amazing on Salvia but I don't know how good they are on MJ and they're not the best band without drugs. I tend to watch TV rather than listen to music when on MJ.
not all noise music is slow.

have you heard any sludge? that shit's very metal and very slow
not all noise music is slow.

Yeah, I know... But naturally I expected the stoner vein to take influence from the slow nosie.

have you heard any sludge? that shit's very metal and very slow

I've heard some sludge but not very much. Any recs? Any brain-crushing stuff that is like Merbow plus Disgorge or Candlemass? That'd be delicious.
well I can't recommend doom noise except maybe Sunn O))) and the Boris/Merzbow collaboration, but I know plenty of sludge. Grief, Eyehategod, Corrupted, Noothgrush, Dot[.], Fleshpress, Monarch. check all those bands out.
Electric Wizard's Come My Fanatics... is pretty trippy also. Especially Ivixor B/Phase Inducer if you have it up loud enough you will sure as hell trip out.
Although I no longer smoke weed. I use to listen to Voivod - Killing Technology stoned and Celtic Frost To Mega Therion high alot.For Tripping on acid King Diamond and Mercyful Fate was perfect.

Electric Wizard - Dopethorone
Although I no longer smoke weed. I use to listen to Voivod - Killing Technology stoned and Celtic Frost To Mega Therion high alot.For Tripping on acid King Diamond and Mercyful Fate was perfect.
I would freak out If I heard the King or Fate while blazing. Metal and LSD do not mix. Pink Floyd, Radiohead or Porcupine Tree sound better.