Metal / trance fusion

i like it:kickass:
only thing that bothers me is the cymbals...they sound distorted
listening through headphones, comment later through speaker

through speakers:
those cymbals definitely need to come down some, theres a part where it seems like all the instruments are playing & it gets real hectic, & not sure if it's the singer (accent) or that you have some auto tuner going full blast there, but the vocals kinda wobble...aside from that i think it sounds great :)
I like it ! .. and voted for your band to play MetalCamp .. thats how much I like it :lol:
Yeah this was a bit of a nightmare to mix as you can probably imagine, as there is so much going on. I had real trouble getting a good mix, so in the end we got the whole album mixed by Dan Abela, who did an awesome job. The drums are a bit lost in this one i agree but in my opinion it doesn't matter too much, due to the nature of the song. They cut through nicely in the other songs.
Habsburgs, thanks a lot for the vote! If anyone else liked it enough to vote, it would be much appreciated!
Crikey there's a lot of stuff going on in here! I dig it dude; drums, especially the kick, sound great (though a bit low, as previously commented), as do the vocals and acoustic (nylon string on the lead I assume?). I would consider changing the keyboard patch in the intro riff, but that's just personal preference.
what was the main pad you used in z3ta?? the song is damn good man!! soo much going on haha

the acoustic sounds beautiful by the way!
Good Stuffs. Reminds of The Omen theme. Added you as friend and voted for you guys for Metal Camp. Mostly the same as the comments above, Louder Kick, MORE BASS, Different patch than that horn sound. The flutish arpeggios towards the end fitted much better. Its a whole lot better than Sonic Syndicate or Linkin Park.
Love the syncopated parts with the drums and guitars really hammering home the ryhthm. Sounds bleeding Fantastic.

Prod wise. The drums are lost when the vocals come in. They are taking up too much room up the middle. Pan the dual lines a little more to free the middle up for the kick and snare. Failing that there are some EQ issues in the sections where the vocals are standing all over the snare, especially on the dirty vocal lines.

Otherwise I likey! :headbang:

The intro is insanely good. Personally I would have fleshed that theme out a little more the track to make it more cohesive. But thats just my tastes. :)

Good work.

Cant wait to hear more!
Thanks guys! Really appreciate your feedback :)

Here are the amp settings, sorry for the wait...
Similar to Andy's settings... I used them as a starting point and tweaked them to my taste. Due to the rediculously bad 'soundproofing' in my studio I couldn't crank the post gain up as loud as I wanted to but it still came out ok.

Lead channel
Pre gain: 4
Low: 5
Mid: 3
High: 4.5
Post gain: 2
Res: 7
Pres: 8

As for mic placement, the 57 was about 1.5 inches away from the centre of the cone (north-west in this case i think), but pointed in at an angle towards the centre. This is how I've always got the best results.

what was the main pad you used in z3ta??
Sorry I forgot to mention, the main strings pad was done with East West Symphonic Orchestra Gold... the z3ta was only really used in the hectic pre-chorus section with the screams. It was the 'Noise In The House' patch :p
This is great... I love it... Cd coming out in a few weeks? Tell me where to order it!
Sorry to bring up an old thread but we are currently in an online vote to play at Bloodstock Festival this summer. It's pretty tight between us (Silent Descent) and another band, and the voting ends on Monday.

If you like the song at the top of the thread (or our stuff on I would REALLY appreciate it if you could spare a couple of minutes to cast us a vote.

Just go to the bloodstock forums, create an account and vote Silent Descent in the poll in this thread:

Thanks in advance,