
Dec 13, 2001
Visit site
Well, I've been listening to Metal for 3 years now and I just realised that I don't know much about Metal [but I do know little].

So, what is Metal?

And are there any web sites about Metal? Different types of Metal? Anything really...?
Originally posted by CarcassKreator
So, what is Metal?

It's the only music I listen to that consistantly emotionally charges me.

It always contains guitar, bass, drums with a sonic flair - and the addition of keyboards and any other instruments is a plus in my book.

It is almost never played on the mainstream radio stations - it's the type of music you have to hunt down to listen to.

Adding to what Brutalizer says - it has attitude. But this attitude is on the far edges of the spectrum - what I mean is: if the music is depressive/slow in nature, it is VERY depressive, and if it is aggressive/fast, you get that clenched fist/grit teeth feeling.
Metal comforts me. Also, I have tremendous respect for people with such talent. I think its the most challenging music to master. Opeth, I say, have mastered it.

I was listening to 'a band' the other day and :rolleyes: I realized that the feeling deep down I was getting from it was along the lines of "It's OK." Isn't that messed up. I can't explain it much more than that yet because it's something I've just realized recently myself. I need to time dwell on it.

That metal-rules site... :lol:

"A fathomless void enclosing.
Unwritten secrets beneath the cobwebs.
I can not endure."

Edit: Oh, I thought that was a site I was given a long time ago. It was a total goof on the question "what is metal?" I guess it was a different page.
Originally posted by metalmancpa

Adding to what Brutalizer says - it has attitude. But this attitude is on the far edges of the spectrum - what I mean is: if the music is depressive/slow in nature, it is VERY depressive, and if it is aggressive/fast, you get that clenched fist/grit teeth feeling.

I agree totally!