Metalcore/Djenty Production (Advice?)

Guitars are a little muddy and the whole mix could be a little brighter in my opinion. I'm guessing this isn't mastered at all?
Guitars are definately muddy, get rid of some of that low end on the guitars and give it some more presence. then get isotope ozone 4 or4 some other mastering sweet and check out some of the presets on ther so you can hear what kind of things you need to look at doing mastering wise to bring it to life
This has a lot of potential imo.

Guitars a way muddy as people have said, I'd try a different reamp if possible, something brighter in general. Kick drum is perfect probably, the rest of the kit just needs to be brightened up a bit, it's all a bit mid focused right now.

Brighten up everything a bit and I think this'll be bitchin.

Also the low end of the mix needs work to really fill out and sound huge. What are you doing with the bass?