Rough Mix Need Advice - Metalcore w/Some Djenty Parts


Mar 7, 2011
I posted this a while back with just guitar but I've finished the mix and still not sure what adjustments need to be made. Any advice would be appreciated!! Thanks!

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The guitars sound pretty boxy, a cut in low-end could help that. It also sounds like the guitars are clipping, especially during the triplet chugging parts. The drums are pretty squashed and kind of fake sounding to me. I like the songwriting though, I can get into it.
Thanks for the input dude. I went back and threw a high and low pass on the guitars, changed the kick and eq'd it differently, messed with the bass a little to try and get it sitting better, and adjusted some volume levels. Let me know if i'm on the right track.

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Split the lead channel to left and right 49%, threw delay on the left and verb on the right. I'm pretty sure this is the mix I want to use when i start vocals this weekend, not sure tho. Any last minute changes I should make?

EDIT: whoops i forgot to put this, lol.
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Ok so I recorded screams this weekend, haven't got a chance for cleans. I must say I feel the vocalist could have delivered a better performance but all in all I prefer his screams to any of the other vocalists im friends with. So yea any advice on mixing/editing would be appreciated. Also, He's coming back to finish the breakdown at the end, maybe re-record a couple parts and possibly backround vox if u guys think it could use it. The long parts where there's nothing going on are obviously gonna be cleans.


To save you from the truth, they'll sell you the lies you need,
They'll sing you to sleep,
ignorance is bliss, and when you're gone it won't change a thing.
There's some wounds that time just won't heal,
Leave nothing to fate, take the world by storm kid.
We had nothing to fear, and nowhere to move but skyward,
things change in the blink of an eye.
Head west young man, show the whole world and yourself that you're free,
Raise your sail, brave the storms, and face the wrath of the sea,
Just stand your ground, when fear creeps in and it gets harder to breathe.
Time locks you away, and plays you for a fool,
You'll come to curse the day that you surrendered your wild soul.
But what keeps me up at night is how lost we are,
This isn't life this is dying gracefully,
But what keeps me up at night is how lost we are,
this isn't life this is dying shamefully,
Only here in this moment am i free.
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Ok I realized my guitars were out of phase on the last revision I posted. So here it is with vocals, (clean vox will be done once i get rid of a cold) please help me out with some feedback/criticism/you suck just quit while you're ahead...i'll take what i can get at this point, lol.

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I'd suggest a decapitator or an OD of some sorts for the vocals, try moving the low pass on the kick around a little bit, unless u wanted to do some ducking with the bass guitar. Are you using a compressor on the master bus? (if so, pull it back a little) I personally would sweep the guitar EQ and try to get rid of the aforementioned boxiness.
Yea i could do that but i need to make some edits to the guitar stems...i did something really stupid and bounced the stems with the distortion applied and then made some new edits to them after the fact...i was trying to save cpu headroom, but then realized it was my buffer that was too low causing problems. so basically it was a pointless endeavor, but yea give me a day or two and i will upload all the stems. just to warn you the bass track is a disaster. theres some really bad fuzz and highs that i cant get rid of. def should have turned the volume down on the bass.
Yea i could do that but i need to make some edits to the guitar stems...i did something really stupid and bounced the stems with the distortion applied and then made some new edits to them after the fact...i was trying to save cpu headroom, but then realized it was my buffer that was too low causing problems. so basically it was a pointless endeavor, but yea give me a day or two and i will upload all the stems. just to warn you the bass track is a disaster. theres some really bad fuzz and highs that i cant get rid of. def should have turned the volume down on the bass.

its all good. its a learning experience man. im looking forward to those raw tracks
Here's an updated mix with clean vox. Haven't had time to bounce the di's. onions please!

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I think my main problem is I recorded it with a real tube screamer and some weird setting on it. So now i cant reamp it without getting weird results, but basically its a ts9 into pod farm big bottom, treadplate cab. then i have an eq, high pass at 175, large cut at 800, boost at 1.6kz, cut at 4k, high pass at 8kz.