Metalcore - First commercial mix


Mar 29, 2012
Hudson, FL

Haven't posted here in a while! In fact, I had a bit of trouble signing back in to my old account, so I had to make a new one.
Anyways, I am doing this band's EP as my first paying job. The band is super happy with the mix. What do you guys think?
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They are ok. Vocalist is a brutal ma fugga. Powerful as shit. Kick is a little buried. The bass has too much clank in my opinion for this style. Vocals are like wee bit loud for my tastes. But I'm kind of nit picking overall. So good job sir.
Abrasive highs and the guitars & vocals are a little too loud but mostly it sounds good.

Take my advice with a pinch of salt, I'm really going off trebly masters. Listening to Emmure's Speaker Of The Dead makes my ears hurt.