Technical Progressive Metalcore? First Mix In a While (real shit!)


Senhor Testiculo
Sep 29, 2004
Los Angeles, CA
Just finished up this reamp/mix/master for Sever The Voices' upcoming EP and they've released one song early. Really cool progressive/technical metalcore band, not sure exactly how to describe it but they rule. Anyways, I'm stoked on how the mix turned out and I'm really happy to be actually mixing again; this is the first track I've posted in a while but I think it's a solid comeback.

Everything's real; I edited drums/vocals, touched up the guitars and bass here and there but mostly just shifted entire parts to groove better - Alex did a great job tracking. Drums are mostly sampled, hefty dose of the real snare in there and a fucked up version of it automated heavily to bring out dynamics/ring. Bass/gtrs are all Kemper, lots of VTM/Decapitator going on as well.



Band on FB:

It's already Finished and delivered but I'm still curious to hear your guys thoughts on it!
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Sounds really cool man!
Some fizzyness in the guitars I'm not too fond of, but it fits the mix, so it's just a taste thing.
HH stands out a bit too much for me too
I dig it! Agree on the hi hat thing, but overall I think the mix is cool and fits the music. Good band also.
The guitars don't bother me at all. Overall this mix sounds great, but If i had to change something I might turn them toms up a bit.
Nice job! I dig this mix very much. Aggressive, punchy balance! Any info on the kick? Sounds a bit like one of CJ's death kicks layered under.
I really dig the mix actually! I didn´t really notice any fizziness at all, until the part came where the guitars are alone for a sec. But fuck that, sounds super anyway!!!
I like the depth this mix has, even if it could use a bit more low end for my taste.
Great job Jeff!
Thanks guys! I had to fight on the guitars a bit, think they used passive pickups. Great players but maybe not the hardest pickers or just not the right pickups for the sound, not sure. In any case, I used a transient designer on the DI's to get more pick attack which brought out the fizz but also helped get some more life out of them. Parallel destruction of guitars helped with the excitement while adding fizz, as well.

WWW, the kick is a blend of a few samples; there's a frankenkick I made a long time ago using the kick samples Sneap posted here but using the top end from Speed Mtl kick off a D4 (this one was mostly for lows in this mix), the LSD Rarefaction kick highpassed to just use the top end, and one of the Metal Machine kicks for midrange. I hate not having Dverb but love that specific vibe that it gets on drums, so I actually MIDI converted/printed through Metal Machine just for that reverb track. :lol:

Ed, glad you think it has character - I wanted it the mix to constantly ride a line of near-meltdown without ever quite getting there. Think I got pretty damn close!
love it all around. lots of character and vibe....!

my only critique would be cleaning the low/low mids up a LITTLE bit but pshhh, it's great.

helps when the band fucking RULES! =D