Metalcore mix (My band)


Mar 28, 2008
New Zealand
Hey guys, my band just released a new song online. The actual EP it's for isn't out yet, so the mix is still going to have tweaks and changes before the physical release.

I know there are issues with it and I'm sure I can get some good advice from you guys to make some changes before I actually release it with the other songs.

I just listened and instantly looked you guys up. A+ stuff man, i believe you guys will be big. my only complaint is that the vocals seem to be a little loud in the mix, feels like it was forced in loudness instead of settling naturally against the other instruments' frequencies. regardless, the intro riff is something else and i dig the song like crazy
I'm gonna agree with Logshreds, the vocals are pretty loud in the mix. The guitars could stand to come up a bit, and the cymbals are pretty dry and lifeless. The drums could also use some humanizing, the snare in particular. Is there a bass track?
I agree on the vocals being a bit loud, I wasn't able to find a good balance between guitars and vocals but I'll work at it a bit more. As for the bass, there is bass but I must say it is quite low in the mix because I didn't want it too noticeable to overpower/mud the guitars. The hits in the snare are quite strong but there weren't really any fast rolls etc in the song that I felt needed to be automated but I'll take another look.
Any suggestions on improving the cymbals and the guitar sound? I think I can lower the vocals and push up some frequencies to cut through though