Metalcore mix


Jan 16, 2002
Tampere, Finland
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The vocals sound hollow, more compression and perhaps some more de-essing in there aswell. Otherwise I'm liking it. The clean vocals could be brought up a bit, and more de-essing there too.
Thanks a lot Backe. I have to try your advices. Not that I listen I agree with the de-essing thing. But I thought I really slammed the vocals with compressor...:u-huh: Maybe not enough
Vocals dont suck so id def bring them up a smidge in the mix, guitar tones awesome! i wouldnt change too much broski! keep it up
fantastic sounding guitars.
what did you do on your master chain? and eq's?

Thanks man! Eq for guitars was something like this: hipass 12500hz, lowpass 70hz, small cut at 250hz, 500hz and 3500hz. 7170 panned hard left and hard right. Lecto panned 85 left 85 right and also about 3 db lower than 7170.

Mastering chain: EQ for hipass, Bootsy NastyCS, compressor, Gclip, Gclip, limiter.

Hope this helps!
Thanks man! Eq for guitars was something like this: hipass 12500hz, lowpass 70hz, small cut at 250hz, 500hz and 3500hz. 7170 panned hard left and hard right. Lecto panned 85 left 85 right and also about 3 db lower than 7170.

Mastering chain: EQ for hipass, Bootsy NastyCS, compressor, Gclip, Gclip, limiter.

Hope this helps!


I hope this finds you in good health and spirits!

In all seriousness, I want to learn from you. Your tone and mixing skills are amazing to my ears.

I have been playing guitar for 20 years but am still fairly new to the recording and mixing side of things. I have a learning disability and I am disabled, but I try hard and listen. Let me know if you'd be interested in writing a step by step guide for people like me who would love to get our guitars to sound like that. If you want payment, I'm sure my wife and I could arrange something.

Please PM me if you would be interested in helping me and others by writing a simple but info packed guide :) :notworthy

Take Care,