Metalcore/Post Hardcore [Real drums, Dual Rec, 5150]

band is not the most original of genres (especially around here), but thats beyond my control.

Guitars are 4 tracks, 2 tracks Dual Rec and 2 tracks 5150. both through mesa cab with a maxon od808 but with different mic positions.

drummer bought the wrong drum skins, but still managed to keep the toms all natural (coated heads), snare is 50/50 id say between mic and sample.

Song 1

Song 2
I dig it, sounds real compared to a lot of the fake-sounding stuff.

I'm not too keen on the guitars, I like their aesthetic but I feel they could have somehow sounded bigger and wider, partly if they had a bit less low mids. However, they glue perfectly to the rest of the mix. I dig the bass tone when it shines through, shame we can't hear it much most of the time.