metalcore thing...; need drum help

May 17, 2007
ok, this is how i recorded:

guitars: 4 tracks (esp h-100 with seymour sh-6 --> h&k tour reverb combo --> sm57)
i wanted to record with my engl, but it was to loud in my room, so fuck that. but i assum when im gonna record with my engl fireball through my marshall 4x12 (g12-65s), it`ll hopefully sound much better. so dont bother the guitars that much (i eq them to hell and back...)

drums: dfh 2 , some bassdrum sample (i forgot), snare sucks, i know, i tried andys last night, that was much better... (and programming sux alot, i know ;-)

bass: ibanez 5string something --> DI
"mastered" with t-racks

any tipps?

oh.., heres the file:

holy crap...., do i know u?
we`re gonna record in the summer, thats why im preparing. we got a new drummer too :).
im trying to get close to mendel`s(this forum...) sound, i like it...
just mixed again, its better now, cus i cut out alot of bass on everything, that helped. now i have every instr. perfectly seperated.

(lol, i just saw,,u`re from sacrificium!? i know samu :)
hehe, this is funny... did u rec./mix anything yet? i`d like to hear smth.
yep. i am (the fat guitar player).

yeah, i recorded and mixed some stuff. but no metal so far. working on the karsten in flames
demo right now (well, it doesn't sound like a demo anymore :cool: ).
they have a quick and dirty rough mix on their myspace profile.