Metaldisc... my first and final order...

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
I purchased "Farsotstider" and "Urkraft" from this site on February 1. My order has recently gone from a status of "Submitted" to "We're working on it". It always amazes me how poorly some people run their business. How can it possibly take this long to drop two CDs in the mail?

Of course, the kicker to all of this is, The End got these CDs in stock a few days ago.

from my huge Christmas ordering spree, one dealer finally sent the goods last week after I reminded him 3 times, and he was acting pissed off at the end WTF

Also I have to report, as sad as it is, that Norma Evangelium Diaboli ripped me of 50 Euros and haven't been replying ever since :erk:
Yeah, like I said in the other thread, metal disc can take 3 months to fulfill an order. Fuck them and their archaic (read: non existent) catalog updates.
MadeInNewJersey said:
The End is significantly (read: $1-$4) more expensive on many releases than other distros though, but I do appreciate their reliability.
How can that be? Almost every CD I buy from them is $12.99. Whose selling CDs for $8.99 with no taxes and nox shipping costs?

General Zod said:
How can that be? Almost every CD I buy from them is $12.99. Whose selling CDs for $8.99 with no taxes and nox shipping costs?


Actually there's a few sites that sell for $10 (incl shipping), but like I said, their inventory isn't as large -- or rather, they specialize in specific styles.

See: or

Also, is great.
JayKeeley said:
Actually there's a few sites that sell for $10 (incl shipping), but like I said, their inventory isn't as large -- or rather, they specialize in specific styles.

See: or

Also, is great.


I should've pointed that out. JayK just posted 3 sites, Regimental is another (and they do 3 CDs/$25). But yeah, very specialized. Not many places who combine reliability with variety like The End.

Though I would say most End CDs seem to be $13.99+ now. At least the ones I always wind up wanting.
The End is more expensive than they used to be, but I can find more stuff I'm looking for and they've always been reliable (albeit sometimes slow). is my favorite though, even if they do charge shipping which I have like, a phobia against, they just flat out rule in every other way.
They've lowered their prices a bit now, but yeah I totally understand. Most of the stuff I get from them I can't find anywhere else though, so it's either $15 or not at all.