Metaldisc... my first and final order...

That s/t album is definitely a qualifery for best production evAr. It's very clear, but thick and gooey at the same time. Marvelous stuff.

Edit: "qualifery." What?
NADatar said:
That s/t album is definitely a qualifery for best production evAr. It's very clear, but thick and gooey at the same time. Marvelous stuff.

Edit: "qualifery." What?

Yeah, the total fucking heavystoner thickness of it melts my brain every time. I would literally shit my pants if I ever saw them live...
Roadburn man. You're going to be in Europe this April, and so are they. YOU MUST GO, THINK OF THE CHILDREN. is a pretty damn good distro. Even though your cd's may come covered in fingerprints and smelling like cigarettes. Atleast, they are cheap and reliable. :)
Ellestin said:
Also I have to report, as sad as it is, that Norma Evangelium Diaboli ripped me of 50 Euros and haven't been replying ever since :erk:

I'm 100% sure, that NED is not a ripoff-label.

Email them again, if you haven't got an answer, but please notice, that all labels cannot send stuff in the same week you order. Just saying that, since I have no idea when your order was made.
Reign in Acai said: is a pretty damn good distro. Even though your cd's may come covered in fingerprints and smelling like cigarettes. Atleast, they are cheap and reliable. :)

Oh I've even had CDs from The End turn up in that condition. This is what happens when distros trade with one another.
Aw man, that sucks that I didn't know you were going to order from Metaldisc Greg - I definitely would've told you to steer clear. The same exact thing happened to me a few years back. I'm surprised they're still in business actually based on my experience with them.
General Zod said:
I purchased "Farsotstider" and "Urkraft" from this site on February 1. My order has recently gone from a status of "Submitted" to "We're working on it". It always amazes me how poorly some people run their business. How can it possibly take this long to drop two CDs in the mail?

Of course, the kicker to all of this is, The End got these CDs in stock a few days ago.


Up until 5 months or so, I worked the weekend partime for almost three years at Impulse Music in suburban Chicago. I can't tell you how many complaints I got when people called up bitching (90% of the time, rightly so I'm sure) about not receiving their orders. That was not fun and the way you described that place reminded me of Impulse, Zod.
Dark One said:
Aw man, that sucks that I didn't know you were going to order from Metaldisc Greg - I definitely would've told you to steer clear. The same exact thing happened to me a few years back. I'm surprised they're still in business actually based on my experience with them.

We told him they take 3 months but oh no, he went with lizard's golden recommendation instead:
M.Lehto said:
I'm 100% sure, that NED is not a ripoff-label.

Email them again, if you haven't got an answer, but please notice, that all labels cannot send stuff in the same week you order. Just saying that, since I have no idea when your order was made.

Beginning of January. The money was transferred from my account on the 6th January. I mailed twice asking for info about order status - since the guy told me the stuff was there and would be shipped out as soon as he got the money, which he obviously has. No answer. I'd like to believe there's been some sort of delay/misunderstanding which can be worked out without bloodshed.

But as far as I'm concerned I've paid more than 50€ more than a month ago and still received nothing and contact seems broken. :erk:
lizard said:
seriously, the only time they've given me trouble is when I was trying to order the original motw cds...and they spent alot of time scrambling and found them for me, and to be honest, I appreciated the effort...

the other four or so times I've ordered from them everything has been cool.

Yes but you're the CEO. :loco: