Metaldisc... my first and final order...

interesting thread (I come here for tits and laughs and sound business advice)

i only seem to hear good things about The End,
you would expect them to be reliable being a growing business and all that
supposedly nice to work with too
my friend Jon from Midhir records over here has just re-released the first waylander album and he's got a distro deal going with the End in the U.S. for it. He was quite impressed by thier general attitude. it'll be interesting to see how they do from that side of the coin.;jsessionid=ac112b1e1f43621e9b7cf6a04f3bba73a70d84283e85.e3eTaxaQbxmTe3iKah0Sc3aPby1ynknvrkLOlQzNp65In0?sc=2&category=2010&search=waylander
Apparently they seem quite interested in doing the same with a scald release in the near future, ....not that i've spoken to them myself

it would be good to get decent distro over there though

I don't like having to charge too much.
we sell our cds at £8 inc p+p which is reasonable considering most shops sell at £12-14 over here

but if your in the states thats going to cost you about $15, it would be more if we charges the full postage
so I prefer to see our stuff sell for less through relapse or someone
but since it came from here......
I'd certainly do business with regimental again I had discussions with Joe and did a 10 cd trade all tied up and through my letter box within a week
......thats the kind of service you need
Walter_Langkowski said:
Up until 5 months or so, I worked the weekend partime for almost three years at Impulse Music in suburban Chicago. I can't tell you how many complaints I got when people called up bitching (90% of the time, rightly so I'm sure) about not receiving their orders. That was not fun and the way you described that place reminded me of Impulse, Zod.

Tominick, is that you?
I haven't had any problems with FMP either tbh.

@Zod - you douche. :lol: Reminds me of the 3 page argument we had over Evergrey only to realize we were talking about different albums. :loco: