Metalfest Vienna


Sep 17, 2001
[lower austria]
the homepage is online now: click "Metalfest"
timetable, camping possibility, youth hostels, prices, etc... see there

beer: 2,50 Euro :grin:

there will also be a sort of aftershow-party on saturday, see details on the homepage

I hope some ppl. from outside Austria will come too! :rock:

how do you 2 like the schedule? for me it's just about perfect. for.ex.: Katatonia ends 16:50, and at 16:40 Sternenstaub starts off (I'm curious for them). then Amon Amarth from 18:10-19:10 and at 19:20 Parental Advisory starts off, and then I'm most probably at the painstage all the time :grin:

same with sunday: finntroll till 15:30, then off to the painstage to avoid my head to explode (within temptation :ill: ) to come back for Napalm Death (mainstage) right on time at 16:50 when simultaneously on the painstage other pain starts off :p
and before Lacuna Coil can cause serious amok-running, I'm off for the painstage again for Plenty Suffering, Shadowcast, etc. - gonna stay at the painstage then most probably for the rest of the bands again :)
don't miss Tanqeray :D
"leider mußten wir erfahren, daß KATATONIA letztes wochenende kurzfristig (ein paar tage vorher) einen festivalauftritt in deutschland absagten. lt. deren booking agent gibt es bandintern massive probleme.... wir wiederum wollen nicht ein paar tage vor dem festival auf einmal mit dem nichterscheinen der band überrascht werden - so kurzfristig könnten selbst wir dann die lücke nicht mehr ordentlich füllen. deshalb haben wir deren label gebeten, bescheid zu geben, was denn nun sache ist. bisher haben wir keine antwort erhalten..... sollten wir auch morgen wieder nix erhalten, gehen wir davon aus, daß KATATONIA diesen sommer wohl nicht mehr live performen will/wird. und genau dann werden wir wohl AMORPHIS für den samstag brauchen - um euch auch hier einen fetten ersatz liefern zu können - obwohls eigentlich unser budget sprengt .... stay tuned.

08.07.: AMORPHIS sind nun definitiv für das [ METALFEST VIENNA 2003 ] als ersatz für KATATONIA bestätigt! "

:Smokin: :grin:

english (short): Katatonia cannot/will not perform at the metalfest vienna. Amorphis are confirmed to play instead.
the venue-owners are total dickheads and totally against metal-heads (my sensation).
too late info from the organisator.
and again: the ticket costs too much, after all.

i hope, next year they find another location.
otherwise i will surely go to summerbreeze...... which i intend to do anyway :grin:
opacity said:
the venue-owners are total dickheads and totally against metal-heads (my sensation).
too late info from the organisator.
and again: the ticket costs too much, after all.
but it wasnt the first edition of this fest.. right?

i hope, next year they find another location.
otherwise i will surely go to summerbreeze...... which i intend to do anyway :grin:
welll... SB was ok.. we survived the problems and difficulties (it was a pain i the ass to find a shower Wednesday night) ... but im not sure i will try it next year again ;)
2003 was the second year of MF Vienna. before that, there was Hell-On-Earth (only in 1 year. the organizers were more or less metal-fans, not professional organizers; they had quite a personal monetary loss in the end :-/ )