the metalfest-homepage is online now ( click "metalfest" )
and the timetable is also ready..... and I see both Vintersorg and Borknagar will play on saturday, first vintersorg then borknagar, with only 15 minutes break. is this enough recovery time for the voice?
oh, and I see that they arranged a camping possibility as well
so, no reason anymore for undecided ppl. to not come
beer: 2,50 (man, that's cheaper than in some pubs/clubs)
and the timetable is also ready..... and I see both Vintersorg and Borknagar will play on saturday, first vintersorg then borknagar, with only 15 minutes break. is this enough recovery time for the voice?
oh, and I see that they arranged a camping possibility as well

beer: 2,50 (man, that's cheaper than in some pubs/clubs)