Metalhead Survey!

Originally posted by xenophobe
I guess you missed my submission. :p

Guess so (doh!)..and you're not far from me, either!

*waves to Mountain View from Fremont*

And we're not old, Viking..we're experienced, right Xeno? I'll take experienced over young & dumb any day (and there's no offense intended by that, cuz I was young & dumb once too..hehe). :p
Originally posted by Lady of the Oracle
Guess so (doh!)..and you're not far from me, either!

*waves to Mountain View from Fremont*

And we're not old, Viking..we're experienced, right Xeno? I'll take experienced over young & dumb any day (and there's no offense intended by that, cuz I was young & dumb once too..hehe). :p

Hello neigbor! Pleased to greet you! :grin:

Not old, just more hardcore... :lol: Besides, you'll be here soon enough Viking.



-- Shaggy

Hometown/from where:
--Hudiksvall, Sweden (Up North)

Number of candles that appeared on my last birthday cake:

Date I blow 'em out:
-- September 17

Marital status:
--Singel (Wank)

Favorite day of the week:
-- Friday

Lucky number:
-- 3

I play a musical instrument (yes/no):
-- Yes

If yes, I play/abuse the:
-- Drummer (Ex Nod Fire and One With the Stains)

Last CD that I bought was:
-- Necrophobic - Darkside

Top five favorite bands are:
-- Emperor, Morbid Angel, Cannibal Corpse, In Flames, Summoning

Genres of metal that turn me on:
---Black Metal, Death Metal, Thrash Metal, Doom Metal, Folk Metal

Genres of metal that make me wanna puke:
-- Power metal

Last live concert:
-- De Tveksamma

How many time I've seen them:
-- 1

Favorite Vocalist/Guitarist/Bassist/Drummer/Keyboardist:
-- V: Tom Araya
-- G: Steve von Till
-- B: Steve DiGiorgio
-- D: Dave Lombardo
-- K: Protector

Favorite lyric(s):
-- Inert flesh
A bloody tomb
A decorated splatter brightens the room
An execution a sadist ritual
Mad intervals of mind residuals (SLAYER - SEASONS IN THE ABYSS)



Hometown/from where:
---Mildura, VIC, Australia.

Number of candles that appeared on my last birthday cake:

Date I blow 'em out:
---September 27

Marital status:

Favorite day of the week:

Lucky number:

I play a musical instrument (yes/no):

If yes, I play/abuse the:
---abuse the bass/guitar

Last CD that I bought was:
---Blind Guardian - A Night At The Opera, Kreator - Extreme Aggression

Top five favorite bands are:
---Black Sabbath, Metallica, Dream Theater, Opeth, Blind Guardian.

Genres of metal that turn me on:
---All of them, only parts of numetal though.

Genres of metal that make me wanna puke:
---Most of numetal. Mainly thanks to Slipknot, the worst band ever...

Last live concert:

How many time I've seen them:

Favorite Vocalist/Guitarist/Bassist/Drummer/Keyboardist:
--V: Mikael Akerfeldt
--G: Jimi Hendrix
--B: Steve DiGiorgio
--D: Hellhammer
--K: No idea... one of the DT ones.

Favorite lyric(s):
---"Devious movements in your eyes......" - Opeth - Bleak



Hometown/from where:
---Cincinnati, Ohio

Number of candles that appeared on my last birthday cake:

Date I blow 'em out:
---January 17

Marital status:

Favorite day of the week:

Lucky number:

I play a musical instrument (yes/no):

If yes, I play/abuse the:
---Abuse my vocal chords, and play the guitar

Last CD that I bought was:
---In Flames - Reroute to Remain

Top five favorite bands are:
---In Flames, Metallica, Soilwork, Killswitch Engage, Arch Enemy

Genres of metal that turn me on:
---Pretty much anything that doesn't suck

Genres of metal that make me wanna puke:
---Not really genres, but bands that suck

Last live concert:
---In Flames, Slayer, downthesun, and Soulfly

How many time I've seen them:
--- Once

Favorite Vocalist/Guitarist/Bassist/Drummer/Keyboardist:
--V: James Hetfield
--G: Jesper Strömblad
--B: Cliff Burton
--D: Henry Ranta
--K: Sven Karlsson

Favorite lyric(s):
---Leaders of our time/Heading for a downfall/The threshhold of revolution/(Take heed)The last freedom call - In Flames - Swim
--- Anders


-- Internet= ~UlvedaL~ friends= Momo

Hometown/from where:
--Væggerløse... South-east of
Number of candles that appeared on my last birthday cake:

Date I blow 'em out:
-- 0406

Marital status:

Favorite day of the week:
-- Friday

Lucky number:
-- 9

I play a musical instrument (yes/no):
-- Yes

If yes, I play/abuse the:
-- Guitar, synthetizers and drums (Guitar and synths in our band UlvedaL)

Last CD that I bought was:
-- Fleshtized - "Here Among Thorns" (Pretty damn good actually!)

Top five favorite bands are:
-- At the moment: Mörk Gryning, Kalmah, Seth, Nile, Meridian

Genres of metal that turn me on:
---Black Metal, Death Metal, Viking/Folk Metal

Genres of metal that make me wanna puke:
-- Nonmetal... Including Nu-metal!

Last live concert:
-- Dissolution & Düreforsög

How many time I've seen them:
-- Dissolution 3x (They are friends of mine)... Düreforsög 2x (They suck!)

Favorite Vocalist/Guitarist/Bassist/Drummer/Keyboardist:
-- V: Ghaal (Gorgoroth)
-- G: Abbath (Immortal)
- LG: Alexi Laiho (CoB)
-- B: Steve DiGiorgio
-- D: The guy from Fleshtized!!! He´s amazing!!!
-- K: Protector (Summoning) or Mustis (Dimmu Borgir)

Favorite lyric(s):
-- Memories Of Torment Strikes Me,
Attempts Were Made To Suffocate Me At Birth
I Was Already Ancient
Though Can Not Kill What Breeds Within Thee!

(Emperor, - The Loss & Curse Of Reverence))
-- Anna


-- Northern Lights, on metallica boards bleeding_me

Hometown/from where:
-- Skellefteå, smalltown hell in Sweden (Vintersorg is from here, along with Totalt Jävla Mörker... oh and the Wannadies :p )

Number of candles that appeared on my last birthday cake:

Date I blow 'em out:
--- July 29

Favorite day of the week:
--- Friday

Lucky number:
--- I'm not lucky, thus have no lucky numbers

I play a musical instrument (yes/no):
--- not really, I used to

If yes, I play/abuse the:
--- I abused the clarinet many years ago... then the piano... still waiting to do some real damage to the guitar

Last CD that I bought was:
--- cds I've ordered but haven't gotten yet: Bruce Dickinson - Chamical Wedding, Iron Maiden - Number of the beast, Dark Tranquillity - Damage Done, In Flames - Reroute to Remain.

Top five favorite bands are:
--- Metallica, Paradise Lost, Opeth, Iron Maiden, Katatonia

Genres of metal that turn me on:
--- as long as it's good I don't give a fuck about the genre...

Genres of metal that make me wanna puke:
--- if it sucks it sucks, regardless of genre :p no but really... some numetal... it's just so... lacking imagination!

Last live concert:
--- Blind Guardian, Umeå Arena.

How many time I've seen them:
--- 1

Favorite Vocalist/Guitarist/Bassist/Drummer/Keyboardist:
--V: James Hetfield
--G: too many good
--B: Cliff Burton
--D: dunno shit about drumming, so I have none...
--K: dunno

Favorite lyric(s):
--- "One last thing, never expect me to try being a part of your heap of shit. I'd rather stay out here in the cold for the rest of my fucking life than being a part of your sick fucking society" The Haunted - Forensick
Originally posted by rustymetal
This is only slightly related but...

I share my birthday with Mikael from Opeth. Woohoo. :rock:

Well I share mine with Mohammed Ali...but he's not in a band...and I doubt he ever played a musical this is pretty much useless for me to tell you :rolleyes:



---Emperor Magus Caligula, Nocturno Culto, Silenoz, Shagrath

Hometown/from where:
---Guadalajara Mexico

Number of candles that appeared on my last birthday cake:

Date I blow 'em out:
---june 1

Marital status:

Favorite day of the week:

Lucky number:

I play a musical instrument (yes/no):

If yes, I play/abuse the:

Last CD that I bought was:
---Dark Tranquillity - Haven

Top five favorite bands are:
---right now are: Emperor, In Flames, The Haunted, Opeth and Darkthrone

Genres of metal that turn me on:
---Black metal, Death metal, Melodic Death

Genres of metal that make me wanna puke:
--- nu shit (it shouldnt be called metal) and power metal

Last live concert:
---The Haunted and Witchery

How many time I've seen them:

Favorite Vocalist/Guitarist/Bassist/Drummer/Keyboardist:
--G: Galder
--D: Flo

Favorite lyric(s): dunno


--- Official DesolatioN Dominion
--- DesolatioN mp3s

---well.. people say i look like dogtanian... seriously, they do!

Hometown/from where:
---guildford, england

Number of candles that appeared on my last birthday cake:

Date I blow 'em out:
---February 6th

Marital status:

Favorite day of the week:
---Saturday - footie day!!!

Lucky number:
---no such thing

I play a musical instrument (yes/no):

If yes, I play/abuse the:

Last CD that I bought was:
---In Flames - Reroute to Remain

Top five favorite bands are:
Dark Tranquility
(changes every day!!)

Genres of metal that turn me on:
Prog, Power, black, death, black/death, death/black, blackish/death, deathly/black/death, melodic metal, good 'ol rock music, doom etc etc

Genres of metal that make me wanna puke:
none really

Last live concert:
pantallica (metallica and pantera tribute band)
before that - Benediction

How many time I've seen them:

Favorite Vocalist/Guitarist/Bassist/Drummer/Keyboardist:
--V: Garm
--G: Ritchie Blackmore
--B: who cares??
--D: Jeff Porcaro
--K: no really, who cares??

Favorite lyric(s):
---"when i pause for one breath, I see millions like me"
Katatonia on 'Last Fair Deal Gone Down'