Metallica ... a new track ... actual metal

Well, this was pleasant surprise!

It's definately heavy! It has some Load/ReLoad groove to it, that I don't hate... It has a solo, which is nice! The vocals annoy me too in places, but they kick ass in others!

I could definately bang my head to this!

You're all gay, by the way!

And no, no sarcasm!
hahaha I remember when I finally broke down and bought Reload for megacheap a few months ago, listened to about half of it one time, then tried to forget it ever existed.

This song is not good, but not offensively bad like St. Anger. Worst part about Metallica in the 90's: HORRID guitar tone. Seriously, someone should really say something to them.

EDIT: lol @ Kirk

EDIDIEEIDT: jesus fucking christ Metallica never knew when to end a song. At least way back when a 4-minute song could actually hold your interest for its 9-minute course.
jesus fucking christ Metallica never knew when to end a song. At least way back when a 4-minute song could actually hold your interest for its 9-minute course.

yeah, this is evident again ... not sure why they have to drag out every tune
sorry but not surprised
poop or in swedish bajs
I did not like this song at all
I wish the bus in another direction (toward Lars) would have fall


Not emo enough for the goth thread sry
fotmbm said:
sorry but not surprised
poop or in swedish bajs
I did not like this song at all
I wish the bus in another direction (toward Lars) would have fall


Not emo enough for the goth thread sry
Good post.
NADatar said:
EDIDIEEIDT: jesus fucking christ Metallica never knew when to end a song. At least way back when a 4-minute song could actually hold your interest for its 9-minute course.

Since the Black Album, definitely...even though some classics like Disposable Heroes and And Justice For All are essentially stretched out, no one complained because of how powerful the riffs were...on the later stuff it just makes their weaknesses all the more obvious. As for the new song, couldn't be less interested if I tried...