metallica medleys

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Yeh this is spam but hey...
I like the lepper Massiah part at the end of the puppets Medley :kickass:
Zephyrus said:
do they still play the song Ride the Lightning live? (my fav song)

They played it a bit on the st anger tour, and well might i add
its not really a fixed part of their set though
Have you heard it played back on the puppetz tour...damn it was good and fast :kickass:
Zephyrus said:
never seen them live, but I'm going next time they're in town, regardless of how good or bad their new album is.


same, ive never seen em live, but i ve got a few live boots of em back in 86 and they creamed lightening man :rock:
I actually enjoyed those clips. Garage produkshun ist Kvlt. Cow bell percussion would rule during the intro to Seek and Destroy.
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