Some people just love to bash Metallica nowadays, it's the "trendy" thing to do. Oh well, gives me a good laugh anyway!! Hehe!
Lord of Delusions said:I think someone needs to go talk to Kerry King and let him know he's not really "metal" because he doesn't have long hair...I think he'll understand.
Danny rctv said:I never said having long hair=true Metal.I'm suprised some of you are mistnterpreting that comment of me being the only long hair in a restraunt full of people wearing trendy Metallica shirts.That's where the "nerd" part came in.Hey, I'm a nerd!But those people were like zombies!It was like everyone dressed as the same Star Wars character at a Star Wars convention.I just pointed out a fact of how different things are now.
It's clear to me those of you posting here who like Metallica are also Metalheads wich I all ready knew otherwise why would you be posting on an Iron Maiden fan board?So my references to "Most Metallica fans" don't mean any of YOU GUYS,you're excluded clear?
RoboCaster said:I kinda' like Metallica myself, I remember when Fade to Black came out; I gained a new respect for the guys lyrical soloing style; prior to that I didn't really know what they were really about, assumed they just banged their heads, but this friend of mine introduced me to their music.
CrankYanker said:Just gotta chime in here...
I have liked Metallica since 1985, although I cooled off on them in the Load/Reload period. During that time... I just didn't buy their records & found other bands I liked... no need to bitch at 'em for trying new sounds. It would be boring if they were on the "Kill/Ride/Master Version 12.0"...
Just think... if they didn't try to evolve and create new sounds, then people would be all over them for "recycling their sound", "running out of ideas", "not being original," etc. etc. So which is worse?
Like 'em or hate 'em now = your opinion... my opinion is that Metallica are a talented band that have made great music through the years, and I will continue to support them if I like what I hear.
One really cool thing-- it's neat to see how many people have made such a passionate connection with Met's music at some point in their lives... if we all didn't really care about Metallica & their music would it really be such a fiery topic?
I like music.
I like Metallica.
I like St. Anger!
I like the Some Kind of Monster film.
I am a (credit) card carrying member of the record buying public that buys the product I like. I hope I contribute to paying the artist (and record co. employees) salaries.
AND... I have short hair.
Doodoobubbachuck said:Why doesn't anyone ever give Blondie this much crap for going disco with "Heart of Glass" when they were supposed to be a punk band?
Metallicat180 said:No that's bollocks. "Most Metallica fans" - wtf is that? I'd like you to explain how you know exactly what each and every Metallica fan is like, their musical preferences are etc to be able to pigeon hole them into being a "trendy" fan.
Like many other people, I got into Metallica via Enter Sandman and The Black Album - does that make me a "trendy" Metallica fan??? I'm sorry but being born in 1984, the same year that Ride The Lightning came out, kinda made me a bit late to get into Metallica until the 90's.
Danny rctv said:Now it's the other way around!Today Iron Maiden is the alternative.I actaully now appreciate their music more than I ever have.I suggest going to a Maiden show today & got o a Metallica show today & campare how different the 2 audiences are. I'm sure Metallica's will be much bigger but it definantly the crowd wont be as Metal as what you'd get at a Maiden show.Steve Harris & Bruce Dickinson won't french kiss each other either!![]()
Danny rctv said:Well you said it right there.I've experieneced first hand the whole change and evolution.They officially became trendy when MOP was released.All these Johnny come latelys thought it was their debut.Hell these people think all the songs on Garage inc. are originals!They don't know what "cover song" means.I may be generalizing the "Most Metallica Fans" thing but I think it's pretty accurate (particularly in America) I've met many different people at all the Metallica shows I went to from '85-96 and it's vastly different how unmetal the audience has become and how far removed the band has come from their roots.
You know what's funny?When I went to my first Metallica show in March of '85,Iron Maiden played the day after(I went to that show too) Iron Maiden was really trendy & perhaps the biggest arena Metal band in the world at that time.I was the only Metallica fan in my High School.No One knew who they were.The week of the 2 shows EVERYONE was coming up to me going "You goin' to Maiden dude?"No one asked about Metallica who were playing a club.I'd even say "I'm going to Metallica also." and people were like "What?"I was proud I was into the band no one knew who one day were going to dominate the world.When "Kill 'em all" came out & changed my life.That was the direction I'd been waiting for bands like Preist & Maiden to go into.As fast & as heavy as it could get.I used to brag how Metallica were so heavy they made Iron Maiden look like Cultue Club!I considerd Iron Maiden to be too mellow.All though I was still a fan,but after discovering the thrash metal underground I wasn't listening to them as much and became very anti commercial.
Now it's the other way around!Today Iron Maiden is the alternative.I actually now appreciate their music more than I ever have.I suggest going to a Maiden show today & go to a Metallica show today & campare how different the 2 audiences are. I'm sure Metallica's will be much bigger but it definantly wont be as Metal as what you'd get at a Maiden show.Steve Harris & Bruce Dickinson won't french kiss each other either!![]()
I never said I was a better or bigger fan than you.Where did I say that?I'm an ex-fan so you're a bigger fan than me.Just cos you were listening to the band when no-one else had heard of them DOES NOT make you a better or more hardcore fan than me.
That Steve & Bruce won't!And what Lars & Kirk do in their spare time has fuck all to do with the music,so what's your point there?
I do that all the time and I've been doing it on this whole thread.It's my specialty to enlighten young kids about the good old days.If you pay attention to my posts I'm not ridiculing anyone here just stating facts & my opinions.Instead of ridiculing the people you meet that have no knowledge of other old school or lesser known bands,why not tell them about it?Enlighten them.