metallica st'anger album brutal according to report!

The only way that this album will be "brutal" is that it will be "brutally" bad and it will "brutalize" a couple of honest people of out of their "brutally" earned cash

On the other hand, any idiot that's ready to spit out money for a new Metallica release deserves to be brutalized for his/hers stupidity.
Let me know when this BRUTAL album will be available for a free download.
I'll make about 100 copies, go to the CD store, and hand them out to everyone who's interested.
And then I'll recommend "We've Come For You All" instead of Selloutica.
mrthrax said:
i aint sure if he said it in metalsludge 20 q's or in a mag but he gave him a 6 outta 10 from recollection"cause he didnt play all the stuff live"
I rember charlie saying in metal sludge that lars can't play live or something along those lines
I really hope no one buys st anger that band deserve nothing i would love to go to burger king and see lars mopping the floors :D
anthrax_moshing_maniac said:
I rember charlie saying in metal sludge that lars can't play live or something along those lines
I really hope no one buys st anger that band deserve nothing i would love to go to burger king and see lars mopping the floors :D

Uhm yeah, because that'll happen...when Iraq defeats the US, UK and Australia.
I could care fuckin' less about the new Metallica album. They haven't put out a good album since Justice. I'll always respect them for their pre-Black album work, but they are one of the most overrated bands (especially live) of all time.

WCFYA is gonna be the best album PERIOD released this year :headbang:
HAHAHAHAHA :lol: This is so funny. The only reason Metallica are considered sell outs is that millions of people enjoy their albums(probably because they are good albums,but I'm sure someone will tell me otherwise). Metallica had a massive following by the time the released ..AJFA so anything other than an exact clone of that album would of been seen as selling out. :err: Then the same happened with the black album, but more so because it was played on the radio. Metalheads just don't like change and if you release the same album repeatedly just so you don't "sell out" then you'll turn into Slayer :zzz: who have only made two albums in their carrer ( aslow one and a fast one), and young kids see slagging of TBA/Load/Re-Load as a way of impressing the the older peeps.I've seen it happen.If Anthrax were anywhere near as succesful as Metallica then they would have been accused of selling out when they released SOWN or WCFYA, simply because they aren't as heavy as earlier albums
Would you have liked Anthrax to keep making POT? or Pantera to keep remaking VDOP (although they occasionally did)? If bands don't change then it gets boring , look at Iron Maiden.
And I don't think I made the point I was trying to, but at least I made one.
yeah i see your point.
i'm all for change in a band, BUT only if it's a 'good' change. in metallica's case it was not a good change, granted they 'changed'- but changed their music to a more commercial (alas, very boring) sound, and thus i do not like them anymore.

change can be exciting (see anthrax, suicidal tendencies, testament) or it can be lame and boring (see metallica) or you can choose not to change very much (see slayer).
i just can't take metallica very seriously anymore- i think disappointment is the word i'm looking for...
Maybe I'm just retarded (which is a definite possibility), but if Metallica truly wanted to sell out, wouldn't they have just remade The Black Album after they saw how successful it was?
I AM going to buy it......but I'm still a bit wary