You guys haven't talked about the DVD yet, which is the saving grace of St. Anger.
I just got done watching and listening to the DVD. I put the CD on first but only listened to half of it since the actual CD sounded the same quality as the MP3s I downloaded the other night. I just can't deal with the shit CD production....the terrible bell snare, the uneven mix, the lack of high end and overall muddiness, it just sucks.
However, the sound on the DVD is easily 100% better than the CD. The drums do sound like stupid ping-y bell bullshit. The guitars don't sound anywhere as muddy, mainly because the DVD sound has plenty of high end, unlike the stupid CD. You can hear the bass guitar better on the DVD too. This just further proves to me how important production is because, while the 11 new songs overall are far from great, I definitely like the songs twice as much, or more, on the DVD.
James even sings them better, like standard James sounding voice instead of some of that annoying high end whiny vocal crap on the CD.
I doubt i'll ever play the CD again, there's no reason to. There is nothing
at all on the CD that is even close to sounding as good as the DVD. Even if i'm not in the mood to watch it, I can just listen to the DVD.
Plus I can burn a CD-R from the audio on the DVD.
Comparing the production on the DVD to past Metallica recordings, it sounds a lot to me like Garage Days Re-revisited.
Future pressings of St. Anger should just throw away the awful studio
production and replace it with the audio from the DVD.
For the $10 I paid at Best Buy, I don't think the CD, on an enjoyment level is worth 10 cents, let alone $10. The DVD though is definitely worth the $10.
That being said, I still think We've Come For You All is an infinitely better album than St. Anger is. I doubt i'll get many people arguing against that opinion on this message board.