metallica suing cannibal corpse! fuck metallica!

metallica sucks cock

New Metal Member
Nov 29, 2001
ohio state university
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Press Release from Metal Blade Records, 3-20-02

Cannibal Corpse is being sued by soft-rockers metallica, due to their inclusion of the hidden track "no remorse" on their most recent album, "gore obsessed." A 5 million dollar lawsuit could cripple the band financially.

Metal Blade had been in negotiation with Elektra Records for a royalty rate for the use of the song. But Metallica was not pleased with the amount offered. The CD was ready for release prior to the negotiations being finished, and the band wanted it released as soon as possible, opting to make the song a hidden track so it wouldnt be such a "big deal" and a royalty rate would still be in the works.

Future repressings of this album will not include "No Remorse."
First of all, Metallica's old stuff kicks ass :p

But I agree, Metallica's habit of suing everyone sucks big times... :mad:
Just remember the poor guy, the metal merchant, named "Metallica" for over 25 years, sued for "endangering the merchandise"

But a professional band, such as Cannibal Corpse, should act a bit more circumspectly... They can't just release a Metallica song while the negociations aren't yet finnished and think like nothing happens... You can't just blame it all on Metallica, as a certain degree of copyright should be saved I think, and therefore, Metallica is perfectly right to sue them.