Metallica SUX!

Originally posted by one man stands
I am gonna get blasted for this, but oh well it is just a message board. First of all I have a tremendous amount of respect for Charlie, but I was dissapointed when he started with the whole downloading thing. We all know it goes on no matter what, and I just wish he would not have said anything because now other people use it to bitch about Anthrax. Over at the pantera board they were talking about how anthrax would be pissed if they knew everyone was downloading the album. I am sure all bands feel the way Charlie does, but it just kinda gave people fuel. Let the flaming begin!

I have even more respect for Charlie. Let me illuminate my reasons
  • He spoke up about something he believes in
  • He spoke up in a classy, dignified manner
  • He basically wound up siding w/ the N.F.C., because he realizes that most of us are still going to buy the album
  • Who cares if he gets chastised on the Pantera BB or Sludge BB
  • Those BBer's represent but a scintilla of the record buying public
  • And even if their talk was scandalous, it was free press
Well Lars did the same thing and looked at what has happened to Metallica. He stood up for what he beleived in and now everyone thinks he is money hungary. I am not saying I have been pleased with their last few records, its just they have a lot of bad press now because of it. I used the Pantera board as one small example, such as you have in the past TD, with the pentagram thread. I could give a shit what anyone thinks about all this, I just wish Charlie would not have said nothing at all. I have not lost any respect for him, I just think it makes for bad press, which maybe in Anthrax's case, is better than none.
OK, I don't want to be construed as esoterical, but you see (or you should, had you read my post clearly), Lars did not speak with the same candor as Charlie. Lars was very off-putting in the way he handled that debacle. My point was that anyone who can judge character would see that Charlie was much more of a gentleman, and aside from the view on those bulletin boards (which I was being somewhat sarcastic referring to a BB as press :) ) who are never happy about anything, no one is going to remember what Charlie said about downloading anyway.

As far as the pentagrams go, I still have mixed feelings about them. Is that a tribute to Stan Lee's Fantastic Four, or a bad knock off ( I had the same problem w/ the Metallus Maximus Livus artwork, which I thought was blatantly Ramones, and Brent and I discussed it.) I also think the logic of having a record w/ a single like "Safehome" and a 9/11 tribute having a pentagram is somewhat flawed. But that is just my opinion. And like I said, they do look cool. Peace out.
Originally posted by anthrax_moshing_maniac
ripper puts more into it than halford did
ripper sings with a passion and his screms are brillant i would hate for halford to get back in priest ripper is better

I would hate that too, Ripper is way better.