Metallica - Through The Never

Great. I got started on it last night. I need to add in the toms and sort out some of the percussion. I'd say it's about 65% done. I may even have it ready to mail off to you guys within 2 days. I'll keep you posted. Glad you're still interested.

Just to keep you posted, things have suddenly become busy here for me, but I haven't let that stop me, only slow me down. The drum tracks are pretty much done. I think everything is sequenced. I'm now going to be adding the reverbs to the kits and panning/mixing each drum.

I've noticed that any file I upload seems to get corrupted somehow (although, not with files I download). So what I'll have to do is give the file to my girlfriend, and she'll upload it from her computer onto my IUMA page, where you'll be able to download it from. Once it's online, I'll let you know.

Ok, I know I've put my name into the "lazy bastard category" now, but I promise, behind the scenes, things have been moving, although slightly slower than I expected.
I've been working on a website for a band project I'm involved in, and it needs to be built from scratch.

I expect to have the TtN drum track online and available to download within one week from today. It'll be on my IUMA page.

Originally posted by Ultima Ibanez Overlord
Ok, I know I've put my name into the "lazy bastard category" now, but I promise, behind the scenes, things have been moving, although slightly slower than I expected.
I've been working on a website for a band project I'm involved in, and it needs to be built from scratch.

I expect to have the TtN drum track online and available to download within one week from today. It'll be on my IUMA page.


No problem Lee, thanks for the update. :)

After all, it's only a dream around here that we can spend 24 hours a day on making music. :)
Right, first off, apologies for the week's delay.
Secondly, for all interested parties, I've got the drums done. I could upload them to my IUMA page, but chances are the file will get corrupted. Similarly, if I email it, the file will degrade.
Therefore I will get the file to my girlfriend who will (kindly) put it online for me. This should be done by tomorrow evening.

The drums aren't perfect, but I've done a lot of work on them to get them sounding reasonable and faithful. I'm not so good that I can ever fool anyone that it's not a drum machine, but I don't think it's so terrible, either.
And without sounding like a negative bastard, I just hope it proves worth the effort with regards others getting involved.

Hopefully we can wrap my first IMG venture up fairly quickly, since programming the drums was the hardest/most time consuming part.
This should be fun; all that guitar twisting and turning :tickled:

...I'm still on board. Next decision. Do we wait to lay our guitar parts down until EC lays the bass down to the drums? Do you want to take a stab at it first Lee....and let EC and I lay down to your base rhythm track?

It always works best when 1 person goes at a time...and can listen to what the others did....rather than everybody working on their parts seperate and then trying to make it all fit together.
Well, I've uploaded the file myself today. I managed to call my ISP and get a new proxy server which seems to have fixed my problems with file transfers.
It should be available tonight, sine IUMA seem super fast at approving files. Once again, the link is in my quote at the bottom; and the file is called 'Through The Never Drumtrack'.

I was thinking about doing this:
EC downloads the drum track, records his bass parts, then mixes the drum and bass parts together in mp3 format, but keeps a copy of the bass track(s) seperate for final mixing.

Rabies gets the mix of bass and drums and records his guitar parts to it. Again, he mixes his guitar parts in with the bass and drums and puts it online, but also keeps seperate files of just the individual guitar tracks for final mixing.

Then I'll record my guitar parts to a single file comprising EC's bass, Rabies' guitars and the drum track, and I'll mix them all together, but keep seperate copies of each of the individual guitar parts, too.

This way, we're all recording to "complete" versions at each stage, but we're all keeping our seperate tracks too, so that when all the parts are recorded, including vocals, I can mix each track individually in Reason's studio package.

Does this sound ok?
I'm new to this IMG, so I'm more than happy to take directions from you IMG 'vets'.

Basically, my only stipulation is that I'd like to record my guitar parts last, but I'm also flexable on this, too.

Your idea is fine.
No need for EC to mix a bass/drum mix though. I prefer just the bass file.....which is synched to the drum track. That way, I can make my own bass/drum recording. I like the flexibility of being able to turn up/down one of the parts so I can hear the other better during recording. You'll probably find that usefull as well.

EC> any idea on when you may get a bass track down?
I looked up on your page today...and realized the drum track was there. Did you make an announcement? I got was under the assumption that you were still trying to get it uploaded somewhere? Good thing I decided to check just in case.

Sorry..dropped the ball here. I'll download this track tonight and give it a listen. Hopefully, EC will see this soon and grab it himself...I may just mail it to he can't miss it. :D Maybe then he'll break away from playing AC2 long enough to lay down the bass track.
rabies said:
Maybe then he'll break away from playing AC2 long enough to lay down the bass track.


Yea, you're right Rabs... those MMORPG games ARE like the crack of video games, heh. :zombie:

I just downloaded the drum track, and will get to work on it quickly.

Lee: Most of the time I can get the bass tight enough using only the drum track, but if we add the other layers and it's a bit too loose I'll just re-record a tighter one for the final mizdown. Sometimes it's hard to properly drive the beat when using just the drum track. I've gotten accustomed to doing it sans guitar though, so it should turn out just fine. :D

I am VERY glad to have something to work on, and as soon as I can get the site back up and running, I'm goin DRUMMER HUNTING! :lol:

Cheers! :cool:
rabies said:
I looked up on your page today...and realized the drum track was there. Did you make an announcement?

:err: Directly above your post that preceeded this one. Next time I'll post it in braile, too ;)

I've just got a really cool Samson mic from a friend of mine. I'll try micing my amp and recording that way. I should be able to get a really thick sound.
Also, I'm looking tino buying a Marshall cab and head. If I get it and have it soon, I'll try recording with that, also.
Not to sound like this is a case of sour grapes, but is it safe to call this a wash out now?
If it's ok, I'll take down the drum track from my IUMA page so I can pt other stuff on there. So, unless anyone is interested, I'll assume the Through The Never thing has died :(
Ultima Ibanez Overlord said:
Not to sound like this is a case of sour grapes, but is it safe to call this a wash out now?
If it's ok, I'll take down the drum track from my IUMA page so I can pt other stuff on there. So, unless anyone is interested, I'll assume the Through The Never thing has died :(

Don't give up so easily UIO. It takes a long time to get anything done around here. Sometimes you have to nudge people quite a bit before they force themselves to make time to record.

I started out here with Women In Uniform and I got really frustrated at first that it wasn't getting done but people are sometimes too busy with life. We eventually finished it...well me MaidenMan and my alter ego's.:lol:

All right guys who's slacking...hmm?:err:
Mr. Hyde said:
Don't give up so easily UIO. It takes a long time to get anything done around here. Sometimes you have to nudge people quite a bit before they force themselves to make time to record.

I started out here with Women In Uniform and I got really frustrated at first that it wasn't getting done but people are sometimes too busy with life. We eventually finished it...well me MaidenMan and my alter ego's.:lol:

All right guys who's slacking...hmm?:err:

yea..sorry UIO.
I have downloaded it..practiced it..and even have rough track recorded...sorry I did not tell you.

However, I am waiting on ECs bass.....and he has been slacking playing asherons call. :zombie:

It does get very frustrating sometimes, because you are gung-ho for something..and end up having to wait..often months for something to happen. Hang tight friend.
Ultima Ibanez Overlord said:
Not to sound like this is a case of sour grapes, but is it safe to call this a wash out now?
If it's ok, I'll take down the drum track from my IUMA page so I can pt other stuff on there. So, unless anyone is interested, I'll assume the Through The Never thing has died :(

No need to call it a wash out Lee...I've already had your drum track for some time and I've been working on the song when time allows. Please don't forget that I already had learned, rehearsed, and scrapped this once, and have had to sorta start over with it. Also, I've generally gotta work up the songs pretty tight because my track goes on first and sets the timing for the other guitar tracks. It just takes extra time, especially with it being a midi track. The timing's stiff on a midi track naturally, which makes it that much more difficult to work with as many of the accents, etc have to be emphasized by me particularly because the cpu doesn't hit like a real drummer does.

Long story short, I'm gettin to it, heh. I'll have something for ya soon.

And Rabies, I'm actually gettin pretty bored with Asheron's Call 2.
Eddies cellmate said:
Progress Report:

Had a few good takes on it today, but I think I'll have it better tomorrow. Might have something for ya as soon as tomorrow night. :cool:

Got a bit sidetracked, not to mention sliced my hand somethin fierce (not too bad really... I'll live ;) )

Anyway.... I'll try to get this one done tomorrow if I can... didn't get a take I was happy with today. :cool:
Eddies cellmate said:
Got a bit sidetracked, not to mention sliced my hand somethin fierce (not too bad really... I'll live ;) )

Anyway.... I'll try to get this one done tomorrow if I can... didn't get a take I was happy with today. :cool:

Sorry guys, I'm still rehearsing it, and it's ready to go but until my hand heals up a bit I just won't get a good take. At this point, I can't run thru it more than 2 or 3 times before risking making the cuts (yea, I did another one too, right on the tip of my index finger) worse. It ought to be ok in a day or two... sorry again for the delay. :erk: Will be finished and on the way soon. :) Heh, you'll be glad to know that this phase of my house re-modeling is almost finished. :cool:
Yay! Cool!

The gods are smiling. The first time I visit here in a while and there's something doing!

I downloaded it and listened. There is a handful of mistakes which aren't exactly prominent. With guitars I doubt they'd be audible unless you know where they are.
I love the tone; you've got a much nicer sound than Jsaon Newstead (who I don't think is much of a bassist......using a pick on a bass :yuk: ).
It's a really nice sound, really smooth and warm, with the occassional metallica/percussive sound of the strings being hit. Wonderful.

I know this song isn't the most testing, but your playing comes across as really smooth and clean, EC. Quite the bassist :)

Cheers for not having given up on this, too.
