
kill em all - cool to listen to, but i dont really like it as such.. solos are fast but very pentatonic-ish.. voice way to high and young

master of puppets/ride the lightning - still love these albums, master of puppets, sanitarium, fade to black, fuck it... every song of those albums is great. love them. Some obvious song formulas but they did it well.

And justice for all... Probably musically their best, although some of the recording sounds leave a bit to be desired (im talking mainly drum sounds).. very cool music on this one. Songs arent so ordinarily structured, (not just the int-ver-ch-ver-ch-solo-out structure which they used so much with variatians on earlier albums)

Black - Unforgiven still gets me going, as does My Friend Of Misery, the rest of the album ive really lost interest in, although id still say its good, it wasnt as good.

Load/Reload - Some good rock tunes, not to be listened to the same way their earlier albums were, but still i dont mind some of the songs... not musically masterful at all though.

Garage Inc. - i love some songs of this CD - they are really fun and some good plain old rock.

i only listen to a few metallica songs once every 2 months or so, but i still like them once i hear them, not as much to hold my interest as the stuff i listen to now but they still have their place, and despite what everyone reckons about them i think they are doing what they want so im not gonna knock them just because i dont happen to like their current stuff as much.

i loved james' guitar work, and his voice (for a commercial acceptable voice, its good). Hammets solos got repetative but there were a few jems amongst them. Lars drums are pretty bad and very boring. Jason hasnt made much of a noticeable impact. And Cliff was cool, he wrote some of the cool melodic bits on earlier albums and was a much needed different influence.
...And justice for all is an amazing album, it is almost like progressive-thrash, and James' vox were the best ever.

Puppets is good, especially 'Orion' and 'the thing that should not be'.

The only thing wrong with old metallica is Kirk hammett. There is very few of his solo's that actually 'add' to the songs, and there is no solo's that make me go 'holy fuck...!! How the hell...??'

I beleive that someone like Marty freidman would have fittedn ...And justice for all -era metallica, but Dave Mustaine would have fitted pre-justic metallica.
They were a huge part of my migration into the deeper metal scene. They were "speed" metal back in the 80's, along with bands such as Anthrax, Exodus, Slayer and more. They were the "underground" metal scene when I listened to them (just like Opeth is now).

Now that they are "mainstream", people crap on them. They took a calculated risk going mainstream with Black - which I still consider one of their best. After that - I don't particularly like their "new" style. But they were that small venue metal scene band back in the day, and that I'll always remember. They were a huge part of my metal listening, and there are too many songs to list - Battery, Master of Puppets, etc. that kick ass.
I'm in the same boat as metalmancpa - We used to listen to "Puppets" and Anthrax's "Spreading the Disease" back when they came out and I was in the 8th grade. That's all we had at the time and my interest in metal progressed as new bands came out. :headbang:

I still like a few of the songs on Black and most of their earlier stuff, but I'm not much into their music since then.
I was not into heavy metal during a specific period in my life, listening to classical only, and never even listened to any of Metallica's music prior to that day I was flicking channels and came across a video on MTV. It was Metallica's One video. It got my attention. After viewing it a few more times, I thought that these guys were great and realized that I had been missing out on some excellent music.

I purchased And Justice for All...I thought that cd was just plain awesome.

Then, I heard that they were ready to release their new cd and video...I thought YES! I couldn't wait to hear my newly found favorite band....

What a disappointment. That Sandman song was the first thing I heard from it and the first video I had seen from their new cd. It was nothing like the song One.

I purchased all of their prior And Justice For All cds, but I don't own anything after it.
I still keep Master of Puppets and Kill em All in my rotation of discs to listen too. Same goes for Megadeth's Rust in Peace and Pantera's Cowboys from Hell.
I was given S&M for Christmas a few years ago when it came out. :crinkledupnoseface: I put it in my like "jukebox" thingy with the rest of the CDs for the hell of it and every now and then, on random, one of those god forsaken songs comes on. :err:

I was so down for Metallica years ago. Now, I don't prefer it, yet when something comes on from Justice or prior to it, I can't deny how much I truly like it. I was a huge fan. When they came out with Load is when I bailed. I started looking elsewhere for better new releases.

I will never stop loving their earlier works though. No way!

"And I would marvel at her beauty, playing through the rain."
Early Metallica?
Ah, the memories...
So many stories to tell!
But if it wasn't for 'And Justice For All' the most hard-core I'd be now would be Van Halen or something!
That album literally got me interested in this wonderful concept named 'thrash metal.'
I still love that album, though after hearing some of 'Tallica's better contemporaries i.e. Coroner, Kreator, Atheist, it does seem a bit weaker over time...
The reason why the production sucks on it is because Lars wanted that sound - drown out Newstead's bass, turn the bass up all the way on the guitars, and have no ambience on the drums. I guess he was trying to get some 'street cred' from having a bad production. :rolleyes:
(The two engineers on A.J.F.A. later went on to produce Anthrax's 1990 album 'Persistance of Time'... they told the band they would give that album the production that A.J.F.A. deserved.)

I used to be mega-pissed at them for 'selling-out' but then I got into the underground (via Opeth, Agalloch, In Flames and Ulver) and I totally forgot about them :D
Metallica is what got me into metal :)
First album I heard by them was the black album, and I still find it pretty good. I can't see why most people seem to dislike it. Sure, it is softer than the previous ones, but it has many great songs. My Friend of Misery is one of my alltime favourite 'tallica songs. Unforgiven is awesome too.
I like metallica Black, and prior, exept for kill 'em all for some reson that album didn't really do anything for me. Maybe it's cause of how young they were, and Dave Mustane :) j/k

But I love Ride the Lightning and Pupperts is my favorite on of all. Cause of Orion I think that is one of the best insturmentals ever written. It's a shame that Cliff had to die other wise I bet they'd still sound cool :cool:
MetallicA got me into metal.. MetallicA got most metalheads of my age into metal.. but now MetallicA is non-metal shit to them.. I just don't get it..
I won't say much.. I still listen to MetallicA (not as I used to, but they're still my all-time favourite group) and I think their earlier stuff is just great.. historic more like it.. I know there are a lot better groups out there.. but back then in the 80s there weren't.. MetallicA's music was fuckin different than all the other stuff at that time.. I've grown up with them.. for me, MetallicA is much more than just music..
Opeth's my favourite group right now and the group I listen to most of the time.. but MetallicA will always be my all-time fav.. they offered me much which most of you can't see.. I'm out :)
Apart from Hearse's comments and my own, its clearly shown everyone is biased and partial towards old metallica. Better ( in all the aspects ) bands have already been mentioned like Anthrax, Megadeth, Slayer, Exodus, etc. Metallica was/is just the band that makes everyone a poser because everyone says they like the old metallica and that it was great, it was bullshit, simple and boring bullshit and there is not a single day i regret that i not listened to better bands earlier.
yeh megadeth's rust in peace is heaps better than any metallica album, and i wouldnt call metallica 'the best band in the world', but why should that make me abandon all metallica? If you stumble across $50 and $20 notes lying on the ground you take both, you dont just take only the $50.

Metallica may not have as much value, they may not be your cup of tea, but they still have their place.