Metallica's Sound Man Crazy?

How can you say something so ignorant? If one even manages to use a laptop mic to mic guitars and makes it sound awesome how is that bad? What a piece of elitist trash.
Let's be honest for a minute. The only person I know of who can get amazing (and I mean real amazing) guitar tones with a SM57 without Eq is Andy, and that's because he can tweak an amp like nobody else. Why not be open and accept that maybe, maybe, there are some better solutions to this industry standard or at least other alternatives? I think this guy, considering his experience and position, deserves some credit and I'd be happy to try what he says.
Let's be honest for a minute. The only person I know of who can get amazing (and I mean real amazing) guitar tones with a SM57 without Eq is Andy, and that's because he can tweak an amp like nobody else. Why not be open and accept that maybe, maybe, there are some better solutions to this industry standard or at least other alternatives? I think this guy, considering his experience and position, deserves some credit and I'd be happy to try what he says.


I've been really interested in trying the AE2500 on guitars, simply because it's a dynamic and condenser in the same housing. I'll have to pick one up, methinks.
I actually like the ae2500 on guitars, but I don't use that to slam every other person who uses something else.
Hell I use a 421 most of the time.
However I am very cognizant of that fact that sometimes "industry standards" are industry standards for a reason.
The insinuation that you can't get a good sound out of a 57 is simply not correct, as the namesake of this site shows consistently.
That's like saying you can't use a gibson les paul, a JTM45 and a 4x12 greenback cab to make a rock record.
not true, and not only is it not true there are 595680471380571730188504 great sounding rock records that prove you can.
But hey, "cocaine is a hell of a drug!"
I bet if I had a gig as sweet as his for as long as he has,I'd develop a little god-complex myself.
Personally I saw metallica seven times from that first tour through the black album, most of those times I thought,"man, they were great, too bad the sound sucked"
I bet if I had a gig as sweet as his for as long as he has,I'd develop a little god-complex myself.

Take to say it but hes a really decent down to earth bloke. He even offered to cover for me while I was house teching at a 1000 cap venue.

Would it have helped if hes have started the quote with IMHO?
micks a cool guy, always chatty when I've said hello. I know alot of live guys that like the AT stuff, there seems to be trends in the live circle as much as there is in studio stuff actually.
Live and studio are very different environtments and to be fair a large part of mic selection is down to engineers preference. We all know you can get great results with a 57 but there are other options.

I'm not argueing about other options, I just think that there are people that can use a mic in a better way. Andy proved always the mightiness of the 57 ;)
Mick has a few good points in his article and I guess its all personal taste. I personally use an i5 on guitars live and work from there. It all depends what you have in your single chain. If you're running a good Midas desk, some fairly alright DBX Compression and your source is good, why complain?

I had a lengthy conversation with mick when metallica played here in South Africa. He's a really nice guy with a lot of insight and more experience than most of the people on this board with Live sound. I'm not saying that he knows it all though, he has probably just tried out more mics on a guitar cab than any of us. When he did sound here for Metallica I found the toms to sound very crappy, but the rest of the mix was absolutely amazing. The guitars DID sound unimaginably massive. The vocals sounded clear and the snare DIDN't sound like St. Anger(THANK GOD!).

I had the courtesy of playing Lars Kit prior to them going on stage in the Day and His kit sounded average(well tuned, but not amazing). Snare sounded phat.

I had a lengthy conversation with their guitar tech aswell and listened to their guitar amps on stage. They were using Triple Recto's, and they sounded pretty huge. I guess the on stage sound just translated to the FOH with a bit of Noodling with the Low EQ to make it less muddy.

That, and the fact that he was using a Heritage 3000... LOL!
Yeah, you just can't go wrong with midas.. i had AWESOME live sound everytime i used them.. midas just works like it should and then a little bit better :)

When you get to use things like an XL3 you can hear the effect of a good preamp compared to some of their lower stuff. All of its good gear but with the top end stuff its really apparent.
I used a Midas Venice the other day and it seemed okay. Didn't seem a huge jump over the desks I had used in the past. Building the pad into the gain knob was interesting and took me a bit to figure out... I lost about 5 mins looking for the 'pad' switch haha.