review of Unblessing the Purity

I found it a little harsh, but then again, it doesn't look like hates it; he just does not like it as much as the other releases. Wasn't there something said about a full length coming out later this year or something (so i guess 3 years from now)?
I love some of Global Dominations reviews. Lord K cracks me up just because of how insane and illogical he (and his reviewers) get. They get all personal and opinionated instead of writing the usual professional review. I enjoy them anyways
Then they had the brilliant idea of getting rid of Dan Swanö. Fuck that. Swanö is God and you don’t fucking mess with God. You ungrateful fucks. You should all be impaled.

that is just a fantastic statement :lol:
Don't really understand why they can't "hear" the riffs on UTP, I think they are great. I actually think this is the best Bloodbath release.

the riffs rape alot of the other material, i agree on that definetely.
i personally love their "new" style, because it is pretty different, but i enjoy the sheer brutality on this release, can't wait for a full length of this type of material.
although i must say, UTP is pretty much tied with BD, just because BD has some of the most awesome grooves ever.