announces Anthrax in talks with....

I'm with ya, bro. Interest in this band (if it even is a band currently) has to be at an all-time low. If they make a new album I'll probably give it a listen, but like DD said, I'm really not sweating it either way.

There's a saying that goes, "the opposite of love isn't hate. It is indifference." That's pretty much where I'm at. I used to love Anthrax. Now I don't really care much at all. I wish it wasn't this way, but it is.

Same goes for me. I can't believe that after 20 years of being into this band, I just don't care anymore.
I dont really give a shit what they do now.....its apparent that they are really clutchin at straws now to get a new vocalist....who cares.....I barely even come by here now to hear the latest bs that they keep throwin around....interest lost
Does anyone else find it funny that all of these people claim to not care about the band, yet they're claiming it on the ANTHRAX MESSAGEBOARD?:lol:
^ Yep, exactly, Imagine being joey and reading interviews where charlie was saying shit like "I miss john" etc. Fuck that! Anthrax have themselves to blame for this mess. I'd personally like to see joey back, but at the same time i fully understand if joy never wants to work with them again :erk:
I agree. If I was Joey I'd tell him to get the fuck over it already. I mean, come on. You don't talk about missing your former singer when your present singer is with you. Come on; that's pretty low.

BTW, this is totally off this new-found topic, but even though the dude is essentially not in the band anymore, I think Joey still deserves some belated birthday props. So happy 47th, old mang. Hang in there. :kickass:(I would've said it earlier, but stuff came up. :()