MetalZone as a boost (Recto, 5150,2203,krank)

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
here are some clips of the mt-2 in front of the

again, I didn't tweak any ampsettings, so these are no perfect tones.
But I believe they show that the mt-2 is quite a cool boost anyway....especially digging it for the recto and jcm

mt-2 boost

here are some more (4tracked, all boosted with mt-2):


(in the blends with the PSA the PSA is a bit more prominent to show you how the sansamp sounds, that's why the one w/o the PSA sounds so different (and because amps rule ;) )
haven't listened to the clips yet (still D/Ling), but i wholeheartedly agree with you: the mt2 can be sick as fuck when dialed in right.

i know that the corpse guys (o'brien and barrett) boost their rectos with it (but you already knew that lol), and inspired by that i tried it in front of my 5150 and it SLAYS. sounds way better than the sd-1 i used prior to that.
for some reason i've never liked the ts7 in front of the 5150 btw, at least not in a live environment.

just out of curiosity, how approximately did you have the mt2 dialed in?
i usually crank level, gain way down (who would have though ^^), and the EQ pots all around 10 o'clock...i've....ehem...."heared"....that "some famous band" set's them up like this with"rectumfriers" :D
worked really well with the 5150 too, and i pretty much left it like this...

btw, slightly OT: how do you like your sansamp for guitars lasse??
i bought one inspired by the andy classen (and hypocrisy) sound, and for bass it kills imho, for guitars i'm still not sure though...but andy seems to make it work, as he's using it for guitars on pretty much any record he's ever done....
yeah, drive all the way down and level around 12:00-3:00 I believe.
everything on the EQ at 10:00.
Haven't I posted those CC settings? I know I wanted to, dunno if I actually did.

I love the PSA for bass, and I'm using it (or the TDM version) to track DI guits...haven't really thought about using it for the final guitarsound though...
although, since it's active, I could try using it to blend it in to an ampsound....wouldn't be that easy with the pod due to stupid digital latency that causes phase issues
You are really making me want to get a Metalzone now Lasse. I've loved the results I've gotten with my zw-44 but the only other boost I've used was a Marshall Guv'nor, and I think maybe I should try a few more things, even if it's just going to expand my listening experience.

I dig all of them but the Krank is really nice. :)
alright, listened to your clips man - thanks for those btw! :)

regarding the boost stuff, krank mt2 sounded best to me. had a real nice tight bottom end and overall clarity. mesa mt2 was overgained and slightly flubby, 5150 mt2 was dull and honkey. i also liked the 2203 mt2 clip! not quite as nice as the krank one, but way cool nevertheless. especially for something like old school thrash, vendetta and the likes.

as for the PSA clips, one question: did you also boost the psa with the mt2?
the psa alone quadtracked is way overgained unfortunately....other than that it sounds similar to mine lol! care to share the settings?
out of the bunch i prefered the mesa + psa....definitely had that andy classen vibe...kinda similar to final breath lmbyt (but then again they used that exact setup for this record, so who would have thought lol).
psa and 5150 didn't mix too well imho, at least not in this setup.....and tbh when i tried it with my 5150/sansamp it sounded similar....guess it only mixes really well with the recto not the 5150 :(
5150 and mesa was also massive btw! different vibe though.....i can definitely see both the mesa/psa and the 5150/mesa setups sounding great, just depending on the bands style!

all in all, it kinda confirms what i've already feared....I NEEDZ RECTUM FRYER!
damn expensive fuckers.....
The PSA+PSA was horrible, really don't like it. But the Recto+5150 holy shit!! Now that's some pretty aggressive mid crunch, just the way I love it, would looove to hear that in a mix, that would kill!! Great work with tweaking the MT2 so it doesn't sound like a frying pan lasse :D
Oh man I remember back in the day when I was 15 and I had my squire strat and little 15 watt fender practice amp and I got the Metalzone for christmas and I scooped out all the mids and was like "SOUNDS LIKE METALLICAA!!!!"

the psa and psa clip reminds me of old guitar tones i used to get by just taking line outs haha, but that recto and 5150 has that lovely valvey goodness present really dig that, also love the boosted clips, id say the krank one works best for me and agree with previous posters that the 5150 with it doesnt do it at all!!