Metronome in Cubase SX3


I Prefer EL-34s. So What?
Feb 21, 2006
Ok so I have a DAW question, maybe someone can help me out.

Is there any way to route the metronome in cubase to a different ASIO output then what you have set for the studio out? Let me explain in depth. My ASIO inputs are my left and right coming from the PODxt USB. The POD cant handle me outputing a bunch of audio while recording. So I have my outputs set through my soundcard. Well the soundcard has major latency issues, so teh metronome is like way off. Is there a way to just output the metronome trough the POD instead of the soundcard? Or am i pretty much screwed and can only have it going through what i have set as my main outs?
Hey, well, I've just had a meddle and I've ran 16 channels of Audio out while recording and the (audio click) metronome all through the XT with no probs so....

SX can only address 1 lot of ASIO drivers, so if you're using the XT's ASIO ins, I'm not getting how you're outputting the metronome to a different card, So.. to get it all to run through Pod

1. In Devices>Device Setup>VST Audiobay make sure Master ASIO Driver is set to ASIO PODXT

2. In Devices>VST Connections make sure that in the "outputs" tab there is a single stereo out routed to PODXT ASIO L&R, and then in "studio" there is also a single stereo out to ASIO PODXT. Then make sure the "input" tab lists ASIO POD XT as the inputs

3. Have a go at recording/playing back see if that works. If you're getting stuttering or digital distortion you might need to alter the ASIO latency settings in;
Devices>Device Setup>VST Audiobay>ASIO POD XT> Control Panel

You want this as far to the left as possible to minimise the delay between hitting the strings and hearing the sound. I'd start with it far left...if it works great, if not slide it right a notch a time till you get stable playback and recording.
Yeah I've had it working for years now, but my USB bus can't handle more than 2 track through the POD. Anymore iand it gets pissed. Just wondering if what I put out there could be done, but I figured it couldn't.
dude.... use the multimedia driver thats built in to sx, the latency is rubbish but you can get access to all the ins and outs on your system... for example a while back i used a 1212 and a delta 66 together for tracking drums... i'm not too sure that the xt will register but give it a try.....

also the best thing to do to rout your metranome output to a diferent asio out is to get it to trigger something like the lm7 via midi - use the rimshot, i used to gate it too cos that printed reverb is pain you can then send the lm7 to the other output.

hope that helps man, cant say i've done it for a while tho - but deffo worth a try

Yo. C