Mexican army on the border....


Internationaly known
Jan 18, 2004
Jeffersonville NY
I was listening to our local talk radio station today at work and they were saying that a Arizona TV station reported that the Mexican president ordered 1000 armed troops on the mexican/US border (and this was the best part) to patrol and make sure that when a mexican comes over the boarder he is not assaulted or mistreated by the volunteer Minute Men.

Has anyone heard about this? I asked my buddie Don at work what the fuck are these mexicans thinking about? He said they are there to make sure that there is irrigation and landscaping for all.
thats a good point :lol:
DeMysteriisDomCanuckus said:
Vicente Fox needs to learn that illegal is ILLEGAL.

I think Americans need to start crossing the border illegally to take Mexican jobs:p

If they paid a little better that would be a good idea :lol:
old school headbanger said:
I was listening to our local talk radio station today at work and they were saying that a Arizona TV station reported that the Mexican president ordered 1000 armed troops on the mexican/US border (and this was the best part) to patrol and make sure that when a mexican comes over the boarder he is not assaulted or mistreated by the volunteer Minute Men.

Has anyone heard about this? I asked my buddie Don at work what the fuck are these mexicans thinking about? He said they are there to make sure that there is irrigation and landscaping for all.
thats a good point :lol:

the mexican government makes pamphlets and dvds telling every amigo how to cross the border and live in the usa undetected as an alien. illegals bring about 15 billion dollars per year to the mexican economy and they depend on that money so they dont look bad. one unit from the georgia national guard reservists could kick those taco-sucking landscapers asses hardcore:rock: . who do they think they are france??? oh wait, france has never deployed troops to defend their own country, i forgot. 1000 mexican troops + 1 special forces unit from the usa = 1000 dead hombres
random_phil's_beard said:
Uhh... I don't think the Mexican Army can do much on American soil once the illegal immigrants crosses over the border.
I`m not sure how the International laws go, But Im pretty sure if they did do something there would finally be a acknowlegement of a very large problem in illegal immigration and there would be alot less mexicans crossing the boarder... Because like I have said before, the mexican boarder would be the perfect place for Army sniper training camps.
A short lived comedy TV show called "Culture Clash", had a skit where illegal immigrants going across the U.S/Mexico borders had to go through physical challenges like another short lived TV show, American Gladiators. :lol:
ivankoloff said:
the mexican government makes pamphlets and dvds telling every amigo how to cross the border and live in the usa undetected as an alien. illegals bring about 15 billion dollars per year to the mexican economy and they depend on that money so they dont look bad.
15 billion (plus what ever aid and shit they get from our goverment)... If that shit was only taxed .....
Uhh... I don't think the Mexican Army can do much on American soil once the illegal immigrants crosses over the border.

And if they did what do you think our pussy ass gov't do? Nothing. Our government caters to illegals, hell Bush had mentioned putting a Social Security office in Mexico City.

We need to build a wall, much like the Berlin Wall and place troops on the border to guard our frontiers.

My whole train of thought is this,

Mexicans dont give a shit about Americans so why should we cater to them

Make English the offical language of the US