Mftb 2005?

I said "seen" as well.

Why are you getting so defensive? I just gave my honest opinion on the band which is what discussion boards are for and what everybody does here about bands they like or dislike, how is it any different just because they are a local band? I'm not allowed to dislike them? How is what I said any different from everybody slagging off Pegazus around here? I just wanted to know how a glam style band was received at M4TB and then added my honest opinion on them. Sorry for offending you.
:) Well Trent, at one point you did say something like "Plus, all three of them sing, which no one should do except Kiss" or something to that effect. I think Xena was pointing out that some of the stuff you said about them was only hearsay. But back to your original question: there wasn't many people watching them, but those who were seemed to dig them.
ooOo looks like a battle.

/me teases up his hair and puts on makeup and strikes a pose behind Trixxi