Mia and I are going to see the uconn CORPSE FLOWER tomorrow (tuesday)

you know, i was actually discussing on another messageboard whether they would get mad at me for taking a tiny slice and eating. :-/

problem is, i would probably get caught red-handed on the webcam. toby, maybe you can stand in front of the camera while i eat?
oh come on. there's no such thing as a corpse flower guard!

or i guess... maybe. there was that one tree serial killer who poisoned this giant ancient oak tree once and made everyone cry. i guess someone could have similar plans fo rthe corpse flower.
There's usually a skinny bald guy with glasses and a nametag standing near the flower when I check the webcam, so.. look out for him. Hopefully the thing will bloom by tomorrow.
Skinny and bald doesn't sound very imposing, fortunately. Also, it's a greenhouse so his glasses are probably constantly fogged-up and he can't see.
Speaking of fogged up glasses, I bet he has an unhealthy obsession with the corpse fllower, i.e. when no one's looking he puts his hand over the webcam and strokes the giant 6 foot shlonglike stamen repeatedly (glasses fogging up to a greater degree).
i guess some people in indonesia actually eat this flower anyway? (but the berries seem to be poisonous)

i found this:

PHILLIPS: So is there anything that we can take from it, you know, like for example, some plants we can get remedies from for sicknesses, or you know, make -- is there anything that comes from this plant that potentially could be interesting?

TRAGER: Well, that -- potentially. There is a lot of research yet to be done. We do know that many members of this family are edible. So there may be a potential food source there.



PHILLIPS: Smelling that badly?

TRAGER: The tuber is edible, as well as parts of the flower.

PHILLIPS: Have you ever tasted it?


PHILLIPS: What does it -- do you know what it tastes like? Has anyone described it to you?

TRAGER: Oh, I understand that the spadic (ph) was cooked up with chilies and chicken in parts of Indonesia, but I haven't tried it.

PHILLIPS: Oh, my goodness. And when you cook it, does the smell go away, does it get worse?

TRAGER: It probably goes away. But I don't know, I haven't tried it.
You're all pussies...

Except for lizard, he'd scare the ugly out of Randall 'Tex' Cobb..
