Mic suggestions for micing bass cabs.....

Electrovoice RE20. Great for kicks too.

My favorite chain:

Fender Precision --> Ampeg SVT2 --> Ampeg 8x10 cab --> RE20 ---> a nice pre (like a 1073) ---> UREI 1176....

Most importantly, A GOOD BASS PLAYER!

Shredfiend said:
Any suggestions for micing Bass cabinets?


Try it also with a Sm57! Record it to 2 tracks: one with the 57 and other directly from the preamp that later you can reamp it.
Or and with also one of these that Razorjack mentioned.
I get good results recording bass to 3 tracks sucha as: 57 pointing directly to the cone of the speaker (for a nice attack and growl) - D112 slightly off the center - (for the bass freqs.) - preamp out (for reamping and add some distortion later in the mix)
Tip - watch out for the "out of phase " from both mics and also with the preamp out and even some delay from this one concerning to the mics captured sound.
Have a try!
Shredfiend said:
Any suggestions for micing Bass cabinets?


Try it also with a Sm57! Record it to 2 tracks: one with the 57 and other directly from the preamp that later you can reamp it.
Or and with also one of these that Razorjack mentioned.
I get good results recording bass to 3 tracks sucha as: 57 pointing directly to the cone of the speaker (for a nice attack and growl) - D112 slightly off the center - (for the bass freqs.) - preamp out (for reamping and add some distortion later in the mix)
Tip - watch out for the "out of phase " from both mics and also with the preamp out and even some delay from this one concerning to the mics captured sound.
Have a try!
Gomez said:
Electrovoice RE20. Great for kicks too.

My favorite chain:

Fender Precision --> Ampeg SVT2 --> Ampeg 8x10 cab --> RE20 ---> a nice pre (like a 1073) ---> UREI 1176....

Most importantly, A GOOD BASS PLAYER!


A cheaper option would be one of those Sansamp things... I have heard this is many sound engineers secret weapon!
I used the SM57 last night and it sounded fine.......maybe not the best mic for that application, but it was what I had handy.

The signal chain was

Warwick-> Ampeg SVT4-Ampeg 410-SM57-Roland VS2480CD