Michael Angelo

Mmh yop', I already search the net about him, if I remember well he's wellknown for having been the first one to play with a double neck guitar with both hands. When I say 2 necks it's one on the left and one the right.
He also uses a 4 neck guitar, with two 6 strings necks and two 7 strings necks.
Personnaly, I'm ok with only one...

Edit : Whoops, I missed your parenthesis...
He is fast but a damn boring songwriter. You cant listen to his music unless your watching the video as well.
seen the Speed Kills vid... i agree with you that his song writing is boring, really boring. can't say much about his taste either, that has to be one of the ugliest guitars i've ever seen! seems to be a really skilled guitarist though, awesome shredding and very clean playing...

that bit where he keeps flipping his hand up and over the fretboard, looks like its been sped up... someone told me its not sped up, but to me it looks like it is.
MJStraughen said:
that bit where he keeps flipping his hand up and over the fretboard, looks like its been sped up... someone told me its not sped up, but to me it looks like it is.

Mmh I just saw it, and I too think it's been sped up... The contrary would be unbelivable o_O
he is the shit, i saw him live last november with syphony x on their usa tour w/blind guardian. he kicked my ass, it ruled.