Michael Bay

i dont see how saying only the action in transformers is any good, then saying commando is great makes any sense at all....

different kinds of film though i guess, but still haha.

no way is total recall better than T2, well, in a campish over the top violence way its better yeah. but T2 is superior.

theres no point arguing about films is there really haha.

Not really :lol: But it's all banter isn't it!

See, I know that dissing Transformers then praising Commando makes no sense... it's just that I really thought Transformers could have been good, and everyone said it was then when I saw it I was super duper disappointed. Commando never pretends to be anything it isn't, and I'll always be fond of it because in many ways it is the ultimate dumb action film (whereas Transformers isn't the ultimate anything!). In some ways it's the consumate Arnie film because it's lean... clocking in at 84 minutes, all the fat is stripped off, it's just totally brutal, the one liners are numerous and awesome, it doesn't fuck about with character development (we see Arnie and child feeding a deer at the start then eating ice-cream - that's all we need to know). It's just great.

And man, you need to watch Total Recall again. It's actually properly brilliant as a film. Makes you think, you never know if any of it is real or not, the effects are great, and one of my favourite dystopian futures of all! It ties with T2 for me.