Michael Jackson

Ya know what, the man is a musical genious..too bad he can't accept the fact that he is BLACK:lol: or at least WAS..I kind of feel sorry for the man...when you achieve that kind of fame, it's gotta be MIND boggling....ya think he gets make-up tips from LaToya?:loco:
Now here is when Michael was MICHAEL...
i appreciate a lot MJ's work and i usually feel a bit offended by easy jokes about him but you guys did good ones hehe
spot on 8)
Yeah I gotta admit, he makes good music, and the guy used to be able to pull a few moves off. 'Back in the day'. Oh well, he's still entertaining now... just in a different way :lol:
Ol' Wacko Jacko created some of the best music in the 80's.Nowadays he's trying to stay afloat using his past glories,but he's past the point of any revelance.

Plus he's a fucking weirdo.I bet you can peel that face off.
I have all his albums from "Off The Wall" to "Blood On The Dancefloor". I was totally obsessed with MJ before I got into any kind of metal, and he's definately the best pop artist ever. I could still listen to, and enjoy his albums now. As someone else said, "Beat It" is an awesome song!! That solo is killer.