Michael Jackson


Master Exploder
Man, I feel so sorry for Michael Jackson. He is a musical genius, and the king of pop, holds the two best selling albums of all time, and was so many people idol in the 80s. Now he is the butt of every joke in the book, and has the piss taken on a more than regular basis.

Yes, the two tv specials on him this week have gotten under my skin.
Yep, he's a genius, but if he didn't want people to think he was a wacko then he shouldn't have paid money to look like an androgenous freak. :) It's a real pity because he's a freakin' legend (if you don't count his post-Dangerous material).

That's on tonight at 7:30 on 9, yeah? I checked the TV guide and it had a John Farnham special, but I remember seeing an ad for it. Must tape it!
Well, it'll be on at 7:30 Queensland time. :)

I might check out his post-Dangerous stuff one day. None of the singles really caught my eye (ear?) though.
Ahh....time zones....gotcha. :lol:

Yes, you should pick up 'History'. One disc of best of material, and the second disc is the album. You can pick it up for under $20 these days too.
As I said, it isn't that great as an album, but has some incredible material on it (kinda like 'Virtual XI' :lol: ). Is worth it just for the best of disc if nothing else. :)
I bought the best of disc earlier this year - great stuff, and it's a true testament to how good an artist is when some awesome songs such as Jam and Smooth Criminal don't make the cut. Might see if the second disc is available by itself - I think it is.

Might get the DVDs too when money allows!

(strange how we've been talking about Jacko this long and nobody has taken us to task for it! :p )
Originally posted by Spiff
I bought the best of disc earlier this year - great stuff, and it's a true testament to how good an artist is when some awesome songs such as Jam and Smooth Criminal don't make the cut. Might see if the second disc is available by itself - I think it is.

Might get the DVDs too when money allows!
Yeah, I would like the DVDs too. I would love to see the full length version of 'Ghosts' again, as I've only seen it once.

Thats exactly right. 'Smooth Criminal' is one of his best songs IMO, and it isn't on there, along with heaps of other great stuff.
They had all his videos on Foxtel the other day, I only saw some of it though. I came in at Thriller and turned off when Remember The Time came on. Great stuff!
That's documentaries for ya. Documentary-makers only make them to push forward their propaganda, or promote whatever their subject is.
Thats not documentaries Spiff, not in the true sense of documentary...what you described was a general description of "faceless journalism" like Today Tonight and A Current Affair...which is basically what that Michael Jacksons Face show was like...it could have basically been called A Current Affair presents Michael Jacksons Face. They put forward an opinion which is obviously the directors/writers/producers/company owners opinion and try and pass it off to you as the opinion of the masses.

Freakish indeed, but cant help feeling for the guy...I guess addiction is addiction no matter what the driving behaviour happens to be.

Gotta say though...The Jackson 5 were awesomely groovy!
Exactly, like his problems aren't bad enough for him as it is, then they make shows like that and just give him a hard time, and yeah, as salty said, make it sound like its the opinion of the masses. One of the guys on the show giving 'facts' was just some guy from the paparrazi (sp?) who had been photographing him over the years....and the guy was a real wanker.

I was thinking that too Moony, I wonder what the poor guy would be thinking right now if he were watching.