If he goes broke, ill marry the woman who used to catch the bus and live happily ever after. Its NOT going to happen! He has WAY too much collateral behind him to go broke!
Don't forget all the little kids he pays off so he doesn't get sued. And don't forget his last album cost $30 million to make and did no business, so he decided to sue the record company saying that they didn't promote it right or something like that (can't remember the details), and now he's being sued for cancelling a couple of gigs:
i concur with spiff for once here, he is crazy and going broke...simply because he doesnt wanna sell off his stuff, which he has been reluctantly doing as far as i can recall
Well I agree with both of you. He is probably struggling more than he ever has in his career, but going broke to high profile people like that is alot different than going broke to one of us.
Like Southy said, if he sold off some of his crap, he would do alot better.