Michel The Jaki "son"


I Died A Little
Aug 30, 2002
Just when I woke up, I went to check out the tele to see what was on.
Great!, the first channel was CNN, it seems as though Mr. Jackson is being sued again, at first I thought it was some sort of archive of 1993, but apparently it was live and the police were searching his ranch, but he was at Las Vegas, they said he was going to be arrested, on what charge ?"Child Molestation"..weird :confused::ill:

its not logical to search his house when he abused a kid. they will interrogate him first if its about that. my guess is that he have debts.
Total respect to Michael Jackson. Molesting kids and cosmetically fucking up his face makes him one of THE most standout artists of the century. This is real hardcore, not any of this LIMP BIZKIT bollocks.
I think he is like that because he had a certain different childhood bein a star and all and not bein able to live a somewhat "normal" child life...well who knows, anyway I was a fun until he started messin around with his face and skin and stuff...I mean heck its the talent that matters and not the looks..
[font=TIMES NEW ROMAN, GEORGIA, TIMES]Jackson surrenders to authorities[/font] [font=Arial, Trebuchet MS, Helvetica]Handcuffed singer returns
to face charges, posts $3 million bail, leaves jail

SANTA BARBARA, Calif., Nov. 20 — [font=TIMES NEW ROMAN, GEORGIA, TIMES]Trailed by a phalanx of TV cameras, a handcuffed Michael Jackson was booked on suspicion of child molestation Thursday after arriving by private jet to face charges that could finish off his already declining career and send him to prison for years.[/font]
woops, I have just come to notice that this picture is really scary, let alone ugly too, really rivals with Susie's "Ugly" pics aye brrrrr