One f'd up family....


Music + Science = Sexy
Feb 7, 2003
NW Chicago 'burbs

October 30, 2006 11:58 a.m. EST

William Macklin - AHN - Americas Staff Writer
Albertville, AL (AHN) - Police say a 19-year-old man admitted that he raped his own mother in what authorities described as a shocking act of retaliation for a family dispute.

According to police, Gary Dean Helms, Jr. confessed that he sexually assaulted his 45-year-old mother on Oct. 26 at the Willow Terrace Trailer Park, following an argument with his brother about a girlfriend. reports that Helm's mother was passed out drunk on a sofa at the time of the rape. Sgt. Jamie Smith of the Albertville Police told CNN that the mother apparently woke up during the attack. A police report states that she "tried to get away, but he held her down until he was finished."

Police were summoned to the home and Helms was placed under arrest. He was charged with first-degree rape.

Albertville is located in northeast Alabama and has a population of around 25,000 people.

Reacting to the attack, Sgt. Smith wondered how "someone could dip to the low to do something of this nature." He called the crime, a "shock to the conscience of the general public."
karrokid said:
3 words stick out in this story

trailer park


wooo git er done !
Yeah meet the Moshers first came to mind when I started reading this and then I got to the part that said Alabama. :lol:
Well, what it was about retaliation? He was upset after arguing with his brother, and decided to do his mom as an act of revenge? To whom? Or may be, he just wanted to calm down?
And my other concern is that there mightl be fruit(s) of his loin on the way... Can you imagine the future of the poor child(ren)?
Well, what it was about retaliation? He was upset after arguing with his brother, and decided to do his mom as an act of revenge? To whom? Or may be, he just wanted to calm down?
Maybe in his f'd up mind, he figured that by raping his mother, he was also raping his BROTHER'S mother. Pretty sick, and no it's not really funny, however if you don't try to find some kind of humor in stories like this, they'll just make you sick and hate society as a whole.
MikeyBong said:
Maybe in his f'd up mind, he figured that by raping his mother, he was also raping his BROTHER'S mother. Pretty sick, and no it's not really funny, however if you don't try to find some kind of humor in stories like this, they'll just make you sick and hate society as a whole.
I'm afraid, without nicefukinfan we won't be able to sort it out
I know you are all thinking it so, I have to ask. . . Was she hot?
Also, being Alabama, it is entirely possible this was a step-mother and this was his half-brother.
The sad thing is that now when I read stories like this it doesn't shock me at all. Absolutely nothing suprises me anymore. Just yesterday in a nearby town some guy shot and killed his dad and then himself because he wasn't happy with the way his dad disciplined their dog and I'm sure that within the next day or two I'll hear about something else equally as disturbing. :rolleyes:
KY_Fried442 said:
The sad thing is that now when I read stories like this it doesn't shock me at all. Absolutely nothing suprises me anymore.
Welcome to our new de-sensitized world. Pretty sad, ain't it? When I hear these stories and then continue on with my day, business as usual, sometimes I think back on it later and feel ashamed that it didn't affect me more. I mean, wouldn't a caring human being be more affected by these things? But then I realize just how often I've heard these things and it starts to make sense.
MikeyBong said:
Welcome to our new de-sensitized world. Pretty sad, ain't it? When I hear these stories and then continue on with my day, business as usual, sometimes I think back on it later and feel ashamed that it didn't affect me more. I mean, wouldn't a caring human being be more affected by these things? But then I realize just how often I've heard these things and it starts to make sense.
I don't know if it's de-sensitized or too-tweekerized? :erk:
MikeyBong said:
Welcome to our new de-sensitized world. Pretty sad, ain't it? When I hear these stories and then continue on with my day, business as usual, sometimes I think back on it later and feel ashamed that it didn't affect me more. I mean, wouldn't a caring human being be more affected by these things? But then I realize just how often I've heard these things and it starts to make sense.

It's because if you sat around feeling bad about everything you hear, you'd never leave your house and would never get anything done. It's easier to just go on with your day.

My biggest problem with things like this is everyone (family members, friends, police, etc.) acts like they are completely shocked when it happens. I'm sorry, but this guy showed warning signs of being a sick fucking weirdo before he did this. Nobody just wakes up one day and wants to rape his mother, regardless of whatever bullshit trigger he acted on. Someone somewhere failed to do anything about it, and now he's on CNN.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
Someone somewhere failed to do anything about it, and now he's on CNN.
That someone was most likely his parents. So, basically, she let this happen by not paying enough attention to her children in the first place. Sad.