One f'd up family....

MikeyBong said:
That someone was most likely his parents. So, basically, she let this happen by not paying enough attention to her children in the first place. Sad.

I don't like the idea of blaming the parents for everything but I guarantee if they look close enough at his past, they'll find something that didn't get addressed when it should have.

For instance, last school year, three older students at my son's school (it's a K-8) brought a can of gasoline to school, left it outside the chapel across the street that was going to be renovated, and talked all day long about how they were going to burn the church down after school. Several teachers heard them and never said a word. Sure enough, less than an hour after school let out that day, the chapel had burned to the ground.

All three were arrested for arson and expelled. Nothing happened to the teachers that didn't so much as pull them aside or tell the principal to call them into the office or even call home and let the parents know their kids are firebugs.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
I don't like the idea of blaming the parents for everything
I couldn't agree more, no one takes responsibilty for their own actions anymore. But in this case, the parents didn't do their job, and they payed for it.