Middle East

Makes me glad I live in a quiet midwestern town. We get the occasional drunk guy shoots wife, or bank robber guns down sheriff, but that is it......The middle east is much more "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth tiems 10" than america. This has nothing to do with these bombers, nor am I justifying them, I'm just saying we (americans) will never really understand their mindset. Over there it is like "you shoot at me, I will go back and shoot at you with a bigger gun, and I will shoot at your wife and your kids." Whereas, in America, if you shoot at me, I'm calling the cops and my attorney.......
I think they're all crazy. Suicide in any form is bullshit, but taking out innocent people just because you think they're wrong about whatever the fuck you're babbling about is pure bullshit. This shit has been going on for AT LEAST as long as I've been alive. I don't think anything can be done about it either; how many cease-fires have they had now? They're just too extreme in everything they think. I'll never figure that shit out.
I hope all this fucking horse shit in the middle east ends soon before more innocent people are murdered by those fucking cowards!
It's amazing how topical Speak English or Die is fifteen years later,eh?

We live in strange days, and when I was watching the attacks on Sept. 11th, I kept asking myself, "How the Hell am I supposed to raise a kid in this world?" Every time I turn on the news, I wonder how much worse it can possibly get, and I wonder how bad it will be when Kimmy grows up. Sometimes I think those goofballs in the Middle East will be the death of us all...

I try and teach her to be tolerant, and I tell her to try to see things from other points of view, but I worry a lot about what kind of choices she will have to face. Shit. Enough of that....


("May you live in interesting times"- ancient Chinese curse)
Originally posted by TD
Makes me glad I live in a quiet midwestern town. We get the occasional drunk guy shoots wife, or bank robber guns down sheriff, but that is it......The middle east is much more "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth tiems 10" than america. This has nothing to do with these bombers, nor am I justifying them, I'm just saying we (americans) will never really understand their mindset. Over there it is like "you shoot at me, I will go back and shoot at you with a bigger gun, and I will shoot at your wife and your kids." Whereas, in America, if you shoot at me, I'm calling the cops and my attorney.......

If you shoot at me, I will shoot back. The cops can come to pick up your dead body. That's America.
There is, it seems, a seemingly endless supply of suicide bombers with unlimited support from Iran and Palestinians around the world. And recently, millions of dollars from Saddam Hussein.

Saddam appeared on Iraqi television this weekend, along with his sons and advisers. “It’s a disgrace on all Arabs and believers everywhere if they don’t help their Palestinian brothers in their battle,” Saddam said in the appearance. What does Iraq provide? Intelligence sources tell NBC News: money for the bombers’ families, channeled through the extremist group Hamas. On Monday, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld harshly criticized Iraq, as well as Iran and Syria, as supporters of terrorism. “The Iraqis — Saddam Hussein has announced that they’re offering stipends to families of suicide bombers. They’ve decided that that’s a good thing to do. So they’re running around encouraging people to be suicide bombers. I would suggest that that is very actively trying to kill innocent men, women and children, and that’s exactly what the Iraqis intend to be doing by doing that,” Rumsfeld said.

So, before these young Palestinians blow themselves up, they get what amounts to a life insurance policy financed by Iraq — cash annuities for their parents, subsidized food, scholarships for siblings and, since Israel usually destroys their family homes, replacement housing. Experts say Iraq also provides some weapons to Palestinians, smuggled through neighboring Jordan.
What does Iraq get in return? Ken Pollack of the Council on Foreign Relations said, “This is useful for Saddam because he has recognized that the worse the violence between Israelis and Palestinians, the harder it is for the U.S. to come after him. By the same token, it builds up his own popularity in the Arab world.”
Iraq is not the only country supporting Hamas and other militant groups. They get sophisticated weapons from Iran. Israel captured one shipment last January.

“There’s no question but that the Iranians work with the Syrians and send folks into Damascus and down to Beirut ... and then into south Lebanon, so that they can conduct terrorist attacks,” Rumsfeld said. U.S. officials have repeatedly expressed concerns that Iran has allowed al-Qaida members to cross its border from Afghanistan to escape the U.S.-led war. In addition to outside help, Hamas raises money for charity, providing services that Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has failed to deliver. Judith Yaphe of National Defense University said the money goes for a variety of uses, including “hospitals, clinics schools, proper dress for your daughter who wants to go to school, books, medicine.”
In fact, until the United States shut it down after Sept. 11, U.S. officials say Hamas had raised $70 million in the United States through its Texas headquarters — a network reaching all the way to the heartland of America.
Palestine exists, just because Israel (for the time being) allows this to be so. I can only imagine that there patience is now gone from all the bullshit that never seems to end.

Suicide bombers, what a farce!

If Israel took the gloves off the entire Mideast would dance to there tune....or else it would be a Giant ashtray filled with the remains of millions of goat humping, camel riding ragheads.

No offense, but if you're offended, go screw yourself!

I am glad I don't live there!!! We may bitch & gripe a lot in America but we have a lot to be thankful for!

Basically the entire Middle East makes me want to :puke: :puke:
Yeah, I really wouldn't mind if they just blew themselves up already and let me get back to American news, filled with good ole American bullshit...instead of wasting half the news casts on that shit so that the sports section is limited to like 30 seconds (God forbid they cut the WEATHER or anything).
With all this shit going down, I wouldn't be surprised to see gas prices climb more than what they are now. In my area, it's already around $1.44/gal. for regular unleaded. I feel sorry for the people who require the premium gasoline.

Originally posted by vomit
Let Israel clean up this little mess. Think about it: cheap gas for all!!
he way things work in america is if one denomination of the christian religion is different from the other they think either is going to hell. and over in the middle east they send either to hell.
I see it as gang warefare only the gangs have gotten more developed because of shitty law inforcement and political deterioration. or should I say further deterioration. America has struck back blood for blood before and continues to do so. I condemn it on either side. and here in texas if you shoot at me or my family I have every right to shoot you dead once you are inside my house. but I had better make sure I dshoot you dead otherwise I'll have a lawsuit on my hands.
make love not war, and hug a tree
We went and saw Ice Age today and Denis Leary did one of the voices. All through the movie I was trying to figure out whose voice it was. I thought it was George Clooney....
