Middle East

Denis Leary ruled in A Bug's Life, the ladybug named Francis who got hit on cause all the other bugs thought he was a girl. Also in Suicide Kings, with his sharkskin boots.

All innocent people get screwed in everything that happens. It sucks, but apparently there's no way of stopping or avoiding it, because it just keeps happening. Too man nutjobs in this world are working against them.
brat: yeah heheheh. I love denis leary, but seriously he's making fun of all the extremists. I eat meat because it's what humans have done naturally for years. And it tastes good. it's wrong to kill needlessly though so there are just extremes to every side of everything.

I saw Ice Age it was pretty funny in a cute way

the tension growing in the middle east is starting to get scary but I guess it's not different from whats happened in the past.
Jono, I know he was. Like the vegetarian girl who wears a leather jacket. :lol: I love what he has to say about smoking. As a former smoker, I can see both sides of that. I think he's a genius. Anyone who can swear more than me is cool in my book. :smokedev: Like all other movies, I will have to wait until Ice Age is out on video. I haven't been to the movies since a couple of months before my son was born. The last one I saw was Hannibal. People, don't let pregnant women watch that movie, please. Do yourselves a favor. Trust me on this one, k?

I remember playing on my grandparents' dining room floor with my Matchbox cars, hearing the news on TV, and it was about the same as it is now, just different people. Oh Iran is being pretty quiet this time around (for now).
I had a buddy that used to say," I didn't claw my way up the food chain to eat carrots".

Brat- That was Denis Leary? I thought it was Jason Alexander...

And as far as the Mid East goes...I hope none of them have nukes...


(I feel like I'm in the middle of a three way conversation here...)
Oops, I was refering to the ladybug.....

(This is getting waaaay confusing)

and I can sympathize with you about seeing movies. I get to go to movies, I just don't get to see many grown-up movies. It's not so bad if it's Shrek or something like it that has some adult humor, but if it's Jimmy Nuetron, it sucks.

Oh, and I used to know a guy who was vegitarian and he drove a Lincoln Town car. There was about a cow and a half worth of leather in that thing.....

Jeffasin and all.

Israel has nuclear weapons. That's why Saddam didn't fuck them too hard in the Gulf War. Pakistan as well has nukes. It's a scary time right now. I'm glad I don't live over there!