MIDI problems with lexicon i-onix?

The Front Studio

What are you looking at!?
Dec 30, 2009
So I bought myself a Lexicon I-onix u82s interface, and I was happy to see that it has MIDI ins and outs... So I bought a midi cable for my Roland piano...
but when I wanted to record some pieces of music, I found out that Sonar, the DAW that I'm using, doesn't find the MIDI device.
I tried the same thing in the Cubase LE4 I got with the I-onix, and bBAM same thing... I really love working with MIDI because I don't only have Metal or rock ideas but also moviescore-ish ideas that I wanna work out... and ofcourse some piano/synth tracks for metal songs can be made as well :D
So please help me out if ya can, I'm desperate!