Midi to Wav sampler


Questions Asker
Aug 31, 2013
Hi guys, first of all let me introduce myself,
I'm Franco, italian from ireland, I lurk this forum a lot
since I'm trying to produce my bands album, and not because i'm good but because I'm the only one with a PC and near field speakers :)

After weeks of tweaking, reading, watching, I have finally got a decent drum sound ( using Superior/Metal Foundry ), but the snare is still lacking some life so I decided to try and layer that with Andy's sample ( Snare 03 ).
Now my question seems stupid but I haven't found an answer so far :

Is there a way to let the midi track that feeds superior to trigger the sample
as well, or I would have to manually insert the wavs along the whole track in correspondance of the snare hits?

I was also considering to create a separate midi track only with the snare,
but I can't find any plugin that would get that to play the samples,
apart from a Vst called sample trigger that I don't like as it's coloring too much the sample, loosing the effect and the punch.

Help me please.
