Mikael, please respond! It's for school!...

im pretty sure we're allowed to show copyrighted stuff for educational purposes. you can photcopy textbooks and stuff for educational purposes i know that. and we always show movies on the bus to somewhere too. but you know, im australian, we REALLY dont give a fuck:p
yeah you don't need shit from Mike and whatever label if you're doing this for school or anything non-commercial... but I'm sure you would for entering it in film festivals and what not
why don't you just write a letter to the film festival and ask them what their policies on copyright are?..they'll probably have loads of experience with this kind of thing ;)
So what, you automatically assume that such a name could only belong to a black woman? A haggard black woman at that? Next I bet you'll call her a nappy headed "ho" :mad:

Oh no you didn't

:snappy snap snap::