Mikael smokes ?

Oct 24, 2007

im sure lots of you have seen it before, i just saw it today, noticed at 3:20 he lights up a cigarette. doesnt seem to smoke much of it, but i wonder how much he smokes(hopefully not too much haha)

any ideas? casual, often, pack a day haha?
Well, i'm the editor of a major newspaper and I must say, I smoke cigars throughout the day in order to calm myself. It's fucking stressful! Nothing cools my nerves faster than a puff on the 'ol Cohiba when that damn SPIDER-MAN interferes with OFFICIAL POLICE BUSINESS.
That video is from Faceculture.com or whatever. And interviewer is REALLY annoying. Have to listen rest of it but I'm sure i've watched those before. There's five parts.

What album is Mikael talking about, not liking it. Beginning of that clip?
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oh noes....mikael smokes....gross! how can I listen to opeth anymore from this point on.

Sugestions for the next topics:
- Does Mikael wear trousers?
- Does bassman wash his hair with Y/X brand of shampoo?
- Are per's pubes longer than his headstache?
hahahaha i dont care, i just didnt know, in retrospect it is kind of a shit thread, but on the bright side this is a 5 part interview haha, so i guess you could pull some other information out of there

way to go isolation, great first thread:lol::lol:

oh well, one day ill think up a good one im sure:lol:
oh noes....mikael smokes....gross! how can I listen to opeth anymore from this point on.

Sugestions for the next topics:
- Does Mikael wear trousers?
- Does bassman wash his hair with Y/X brand of shampoo?
- Are per's pubes longer than his headstache?

i'd agree with the intent of this post except that smoking fucks up your vocal range and clarity eventually
Mikael gets better clean vox and a bit worse growls. Smoking is then good in one way and bad in the other way, huh? Or maybe not..