Mike always sleeps with heavy metal playing in the background

Hell Mike

fuck melodic black metal
Aug 22, 2003
I don't know how the fuck he does it, I must sleep in complete silence but I don't think he can sleep unless he listens to heavy metal at a fair volume all night. Maybe it's because he has some tinnitus and needs music to drown out the annoying noises, oh well... Now I like heavy metal and all, but sleeping with earplugs doesn't rule very much. I'm tired and I'd like some breakfast but Mike says I can't wake him up until 12 AM so I'm stuck posting junk on his computer.

-- Erik
I fell asleep with Ancient Rites playing full blast once, it's not hard if you're tired.
Yeah, but ALWAYS is different. I bet I've done it too when I'm drunk or something, but otherwise I can't sleep with just about any sound at all in the background. Can't have my computer on either, nothing.
I usualy can't fall asleep unless there's music playing, and I find the faster/heavier, the faster I crash out. Though Agalloch and Opeth are good to sleep to, for obvious reasons.
if I need to fall asleep fast, usually putting on a quiet slow movie and trying to pay attention to it, works miracles.

something like 2001 A Space Odysey or similar ...
I have to listen to 20 minutes of music as I pass out every night or I'll toss and turn for hours. Carcass - Heartwork and Pearl Jam - Ten are the two albums that I've fallen asleep to the most.

Under 20 and I say "HEY! where are the tunes!?" get up and turn on the CD player again. Over 20 and I end up throwing my headphones off in disgust, it's pretty weird.
I broke two pairs of $70 sony earplug sets by twisting and turning in bed, listening to music when I fell asleep. Therefore I got a ministereo so I can listen to music while I go to sleep. Last night it was Burzum that rocked me to sleep.
lurch70 said:
if I need to fall asleep fast, usually putting on a quiet slow movie and trying to pay attention to it, works miracles.

something like 2001 A Space Odysey or similar ...

I used to do this with Bladerunner sometimes! Awesome movie, though!